Foundations of Object-Oriented Programming Using .NET 2.0 Patterns solves the object-oriented and pattern-programming problem by mixing the two--the book teaches object-oriented concepts using patterns, or a solutions-based approach. The book's material is organized around tasks and patterns, and illustrated through development problems and solutions that include persistence, code efficiency, and good design.
This book is of special interest to those who want to learn how to use .NET 2.0 Generics in conjunction with patterns. This unique book is based on the author's lectures,...
Foundations of Object-Oriented Programming Using .NET 2.0 Patterns solves the object-oriented and pattern-programming problem by mixing the ...
Ajax is taking us into the next generation of web applications. Ajax has broken the client-server barrier by decoupling the client from the server, but an Ajax application still needs a server to extract content from. The most effective use of Ajax and the server requires an understanding of REST, an architectural style used to define Web services.
Ajax Patterns and Best Practices explores dynamic web applications that combine Ajax and REST as a single solution. A major advantage of REST is that, like Ajax, it can be used with today's existing technologies.
This is an...
Ajax is taking us into the next generation of web applications. Ajax has broken the client-server barrier by decoupling the client from the server,...
Ajax and REST Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach will serve all of your Ajax needs, by providing adaptable solutions for common tasks you'll want to implement on web sites using the next generation of Ajax and REST techniques. As a JavaScript developer, your time is precious, so you'll want to solve problems that present themselves in your work as quickly as possible. You can pick up the code provided in this book, adapt it, or plug it straight into your own applications.
The book mainly focuses on illustrating and explaining how to build applications that use JavaScript,...
Ajax and REST Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach will serve all of your Ajax needs, by providing adaptable solutions for common tasks you'...
T he first computer programming book I read was titled Programming Windows 3.0 by Charles Petzold. This was around the time when Microsoft Windows 3.0 (circa 1992) once and for all showed the industry that Microsoft was a company with a future. Writing code for Windows back then was complicated by many things: lack of documentation, 16-bit architecture, and the necessity of buying a compiler separate from the software development kit (SDK). Charles's book tied everything together and solved the problem of how to write a program for Windows. Now the problems are quite the opposite: we have too...
T he first computer programming book I read was titled Programming Windows 3.0 by Charles Petzold. This was around the time when Microsoft Windows 3.0...
This is the first book designed to help Windows developers decide not only which technologies to use but also how to use them. It teaches them to combine the wide variety of technologies that make up Windows DNA into effective solutions for their own enterprise application requirements. The author makes use of his long consulting experience in the client-server world to describe "best practices" that apply to building Windows DNA applications.
This is the first book designed to help Windows developers decide not only which technologies to use but also how to use them. It teaches them to comb...
On December 20, 2007 the judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court stirs up a public debate on the extent of social decentralization in Germany. Preceding events: on January 1, 2005 an extensive welfare reform is enacted after what social benefits are now predominantly financed by the Federal Government, whereas the administration is shared by the Federal Government and the Laender. In its reasoning, the court points out that the joint administration deviates from the principle of precedence of decentralized over centralized exercise of functions1. Some fear that social...
On December 20, 2007 the judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court stirs up a public debate on the extent of social decentralization in Germ...
Wettbewerbsverstossen mit Auslandsbezug muss schnell und wirksam begegnet werden konnen. Das Buch befasst sich mit der Frage, ob und inwieweit wettbewerbsrechtliche Unterlassungsanspruche im Wege des vorlaufigen Rechtsschutzes gegenuber europaischen Mitbewerbern durchsetzbar sind. Ausgehend von den Rechtsordnungen Deutschlands, der Schweiz und Osterreichs werden zunachst rechtsvergleichend die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in den nationalen Eilverfahren dieser Lander dargestellt. Dem folgt eine Darstellung der prozessualen Besonderheiten bei der grenzuberschreitenden Rechtsverfolgung auf...
Wettbewerbsverstossen mit Auslandsbezug muss schnell und wirksam begegnet werden konnen. Das Buch befasst sich mit der Frage, ob und inwieweit wettbew...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Sport - Sportpadagogik, Didaktik, Note: 1,0, Universitat Koblenz-Landau (Institut fur Sportwissenschaft), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In dieser Arbeit befasst sich der Autor zu Beginn mit dem Begriff der "Didaktik" und dessen Historie. Kapitel 2 soll dabei die uneinheitliche Betrachtung und Definition der Didaktik herausstellen und versuchen, die entsprechenden Grunde dafur, welche einer Vielzahl an historischen und gesellschaftlichen Einflussen unterliegen, naher zu beleuchten. Kapitel 3 befasst sich mit ausgewahlten Didaktischen Modellen, die...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Sport - Sportpadagogik, Didaktik, Note: 1,0, Universitat Koblenz-Landau (Institut fur Sportwissenschaft...
Im Unterrichtsfach Erdkunde sind beim Ubergang von der Mittelstufe in die gymnasiale Oberstufe hessischer Gymnasien haufig auffallende Unterschiede im Hinblick auf fachlich relevantes Vorwissen der Schulerinnen und Schuler festzustellen. Oft steht die Lehrkraft zunachst vor der Herausforderung, umfangreiche Wiederholungsphasen einzurichten, bevor die auf die Mittelstufeninhalte aufbauenden Themenkomplexe der Oberstufenlehrplane behandelt werden konnen. In der Literatur der konstruktivistisch orientierten padagogischen Psychologie und Didaktik spielt die Bedeutung des sogenannten Vorwissens"...
Im Unterrichtsfach Erdkunde sind beim Ubergang von der Mittelstufe in die gymnasiale Oberstufe hessischer Gymnasien haufig auffallende Unterschiede im...
Interferometry, the most precise measurement technique known today, exploits the wave-like nature of the atoms or photons in the interferometer. As expected from the laws of quantum mechanics, the granular, particle-like features of the individually independent atoms or photons are responsible for the precision limit, the shot noise limit. However this "classical" bound is not fundamental and it is the aim of quantum metrology to overcome it by employing entanglement among the particles. This work reports on the realization of spin-squeezed states suitable for atom interferometry. Spin...
Interferometry, the most precise measurement technique known today, exploits the wave-like nature of the atoms or photons in the interferometer. As ex...