Do you remember your last peak performance? Do you remember asking: how do I do this? How can I do it again? If you have asked this question, and want to know the answer, then this is the book you have been searching for. The Holy Grail of performance has many names: the zone, peaking, even flow. The elements of this experience are many, yet the formula is all too personal. It is something you have to figure out for yourself. "Finding Your Flow" will help you do just that. By understanding the principles and applying the practices of "Finding Your Flow," you will not only develop the...
Do you remember your last peak performance? Do you remember asking: how do I do this? How can I do it again? If you have asked this question, and want...
Die wichtigsten Prinzipien aus seinem Mega-Bestseller Die 7 Wege zur Effektivität hat Stephen R. Covey in diesem Kartendeck zusammengestellt. Jede der 50 schön gestalteten Karten enthält ein wichtiges Prinzip der Covey-Philosophie, das auf der Rückseite kurz erläutert wird. Spielerisch helfen die handlichen Karten dabei, Gewohnheiten und Einstellungen zu überdenken und neue Routinen auf dem Weg zu
Die wichtigsten Prinzipien aus seinem Mega-Bestseller Die 7 Wege zur Effektivität hat Stephen R. Covey in diesem Kartendeck zusammengestellt. Jede de...
Coveys Prinzipien für mehr Sinnhaftigkeit im Beruf§Bei diesem Buch geht es um Zweierlei: Wie finde ich einen Job, der zu mir passt? Und wie kann ich mit diesem Job einen sinnvollen Beitrag leisten und meine Berufung im Leben erfüllen. §Karriere machen Sie nur dann, wenn Sie Ihre einzigartigen Talente, Stärken und Leidenschaften erkennen und einsetzen. Niemand muss sich damit zufrieden geben, nur e
Coveys Prinzipien für mehr Sinnhaftigkeit im Beruf§Bei diesem Buch geht es um Zweierlei: Wie finde ich einen Job, der zu mir passt? Und wie kann ich...
From the multimillion-copy bestselling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People--hailed as the #1 Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century--The 3rd Alternative turns Dr. Stephen R. Covey's formidable insight to a powerful new way to resolve professional and personal difficulties and create solutions to great challenges in organizations and society. There are many methods of "conflict resolution," but most involve compromise, a low-level accommodation that stops the fight without breaking through to amazing new results. The 3rd Alternative...
From the multimillion-copy bestselling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People--hailed as the #1 Most Influential Business Book of th...
A Miniature Edition (TM) of Covey's popular original, "The 8th Habit," holds powerful insights that challenge us to find our voice and inspire others to find theirs. The principles in Covey's pocket-sized "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" guided individuals to improve their lives and organizations. Now "The 8th Habit" inspires us to thrive, innovate, and lead in order to move beyond effectiveness and into greatness.
A Miniature Edition (TM) of Covey's popular original, "The 8th Habit," holds powerful insights that challenge us to find our voice and inspire others ...
Seit 20 Jahren mehr Zeit fürs Lebensglück§"Der Weg zum Wesentlichen" ist das Standardwerk für das persönliche Zeit- und Lebensmanagement. Für Stephen R. Covey war es stets das Wichtigste, zu leben, zu lieben, zu lernen und ein Lebenswerk zu erschaffen. Millionen Leser weltweit teilen seine Meinung. Wer sich auf den Weg zum Wesentlichen begibt, wird durch die Übungen im Buch zu einem erfüllten, sinnvollen und glücklichen Leben kommen. Zahlreiche Beispiele und Audiosequenzen leiten die Leser auf ihrem persönlichen Weg zu mehr Lebensglück.
Seit 20 Jahren mehr Zeit fürs Lebensglück§"Der Weg zum Wesentlichen" ist das Standardwerk für das persönliche Zeit- und Lebensmanagement. Für St...
Change your child's future starting today: Learn how to use Stephen R. Covey's proven 7 Habits to create a leadership program for kids of all ages so they can be more effective, more goal oriented, and more successful In today's world, we are inundated with information about who to be, what to do, and how to live. But what if there was a way to learn not just what to think about, but how to think? A program that taught how to manage priorities, focus on goals, and be a positive influence? The Leader in Me is that program. In this bestseller, Stephen R. Covey took the 7 Habits...
Change your child's future starting today: Learn how to use Stephen R. Covey's proven 7 Habits to create a leadership program for kids of all ages so ...
From Stephen R. Covey--the late, legendary author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People--a set of principles for achieving a happy and fulfilling life of primary greatness. Many of us are hurting. We have chronic problems, dissatisfactions, and disappointments. Although we generally make it through the day, a lot of us feel overwhelmed by burdens we carry. We try to "lift the load of life" each day and sometimes it's just too much. The idea of living a "great life" seems a distant dream. Stephen R. Covey believed there were only two ways to experience life: primary...
From Stephen R. Covey--the late, legendary author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People--a set of principles for achieving a happy and ful...