In Psychiatric Power, the fourth volume in the collection of his groundbreaking lectures at the College de France, Michel Foucault addresses and expands upon the ideas in his seminal Madness and Civilization, sketching the genealogy of psychiatry and of its characteristic form of power/knowledge. Madness and Civilization undertook the archeology of the division according to which, in Western Society, the madman found himself separated from the sane. That book ends with the medicalization of madness at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Psychiatric Power...
In Psychiatric Power, the fourth volume in the collection of his groundbreaking lectures at the College de France, Michel Foucault addresses...
An exciting and highly original examination of the practices of truth-telling and speaking out freely (parr?sia) in ancient Greek tragedy and philosophy. Foucault discusses the difficult and changing practices of truth-telling in ancient democracies and tyrannies and offers a new perspective on the specific relationship of philosophy to politics.
An exciting and highly original examination of the practices of truth-telling and speaking out freely (parr?sia) in ancient Greek tragedy and philosop...
Michel Foucault's first exploration of insanity as a social construct--and his debut work of criticism, published nearly a decade before Madness and Civilization--Madness offers an invaluable lens through which to observe the seminal social critic's philosophical evolution. Previously published as Mental Illness and Psychology, this exciting and accessible new edition offers unique insight into both Foucault's early engagement with the psychoanalytic tradition and his critical break from Freud, giving readers a crucial look at the thinking that prefigured The...
Michel Foucault's first exploration of insanity as a social construct--and his debut work of criticism, published nearly a decade before Madness a...
Der vorliegende Band enthlt Foucaults Einleitung zur amerikanischen Ausgabe, Herculine Barbins Erinnerungen, Oskar Panizzas literarische Bearbeitung dieses Stoffs, ein von Foucault erstelltes Dossier mit Gutachten und Dokumenten zum historischen Fall und ein Nachwort der Herausgeber.
Der vorliegende Band enthlt Foucaults Einleitung zur amerikanischen Ausgabe, Herculine Barbins Erinnerungen, Oskar Panizzas literarische Bearbeitung d...
Das Erscheinen des ersten Bandes von Michel Foucaults Schriften wurde weithin als Ereignis wahrgenommen. Mit der in weiten Teilen erstmaligen Übersetzung aller Aufsätze, Interviews und kleineren Arbeiten Foucaults liegt nun derjenige Teil von Michel Foucaults Werk vor, der ihn zu Lebzeiten zum Klassiker und zum enfant terrible der philosophischen Szene gemacht hatte: Seine Art, archäologische und genealogische Perspektiven aufeinander zu beziehen und eine detaillierte historische Arbeit immer mit Blick auf die Gegenwart zu profilieren, hat die Theorielandschaft nachhaltig erschüttert und...
Das Erscheinen des ersten Bandes von Michel Foucaults Schriften wurde weithin als Ereignis wahrgenommen. Mit der in weiten Teilen erstmaligen Überset...
In seinen letzten Jahren rckte Michel Foucault (1926-1984) die philosophische Existenz immer strker in den Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit - Philosophie nicht nur als Theorie, sondern auch als Lebensform. Er, der immer so gern in der Anonymitt hinter seiner Arbeit verschwinden wollte, zeigte sich plzlich bereit, auch Fragen zu seiner eigenen Existenz zu beantworten.
In seinen letzten Jahren rckte Michel Foucault (1926-1984) die philosophische Existenz immer strker in den Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit - Philosophi...
This lecture, given by Michel Foucault at the College de France, launches an inquiry into the notion of parresia and continues his rereading of ancient philosophy. Through the study of this notion of truth-telling, of speaking out freely, Foucault re-examines Greek citizenship, showing how the courage of the truth forms the forgotten ethical basis of Athenian democracy. The figure of the philosopher king, the condemnation of writing, and Socrates' rejection of political involvement are some of the many topics of ancient philosophy revisited here.
This lecture, given by Michel Foucault at the College de France, launches an inquiry into the notion of parresia and continues his rereading of anc...
The Courage of the Truth is the last course that Michel Foucault delivered at the College de France. Here, he continues the theme of the previous year's lectures in exploring the notion of "truth-telling" in politics to establish a number of ethically irreducible conditions based on courage and conviction. His death, on June 25th, 1984, tempts us to detect the philosophical testament in these lectures, especially in view of the prominence they give to the themes of life and death.
The Courage of the Truth is the last course that Michel Foucault delivered at the College de France. Here, he continues the theme of the pre...
Three years before his death, Michel Foucault delivered a series of lectures at the Catholic University of Louvain that until recently remained almost unknown. These lectures--which focus on the role of avowal, or confession, in the determination of truth and justice--provide the missing link between Foucault's early work on madness, delinquency, and sexuality and his later explorations of subjectivity in Greek and Roman antiquity.
Ranging broadly from Homer to the twentieth century, Foucault traces the early use of truth-telling in ancient Greece and follows it through to practices of...
Three years before his death, Michel Foucault delivered a series of lectures at the Catholic University of Louvain that until recently remained alm...