Sect. 23. 325 transitions have been drawn for which L1 =0 (n-components). Moreover it is assumed that the hfs splitting of the 3 s 2 Pal, level is negligibly small compared with that of the 3 s 25, /, level. BACK and GOUDSMIT succeeded in resolving the structure of the components of the Bi I line A 4722 A. In each transition they found 10 components, so that in this case 21 ] 1 = 10, and the nuclear spin of 209 Bi becomes 1 = 9/, Later on their results for a group of components were 2 reproduced and published by ZEEMAN, BACK and GOUDSMITI. There are only a few examples where the influence of...
Sect. 23. 325 transitions have been drawn for which L1 =0 (n-components). Moreover it is assumed that the hfs splitting of the 3 s 2 Pal, level is neg...
243 number n and orbital angular momentum 1, but also a total angular momentum 1 f = 1 . This modification lead to striking successes for the model. Almost without exception, the ground state spins of odd nuclei were found to be cor- rectly predicted. Furthermore several other features of nuclei such as the occur- rence of isomeric states and the values of magnetic dipole moments were explained, at least qualitatively. However the model completely failed to explain the large values of observed electric quadrupole moments and certain regularities in nuclear spectra, especially of rare earth...
243 number n and orbital angular momentum 1, but also a total angular momentum 1 f = 1 . This modification lead to striking successes for the model. ...
liff. 1. 3 Aus dem geschilderten Sachverhalt ergibt sich, daB die Aufgabenstellung der statistischen Thermodynamik kondensierter Phasen notwendig verschieden ist von der der Gastheorie. Wahrend bei der letzteren die Ermittlung der thermo- dynamischen Funktionen konkreter Systeme durchaus im Vordergrund steht, handelt es sich bei kondensierten Phasen in erster Linie urn die grundsatzliche Klarung der hier auftretenden Erscheinungen, wie etwa der Struktur der Flussig- keiten, des Schmelzens, der thermodynamischen Eigenschaften der Losungen starker Elektrolyte usw. Das schlieBt naturgemaB nicht...
liff. 1. 3 Aus dem geschilderten Sachverhalt ergibt sich, daB die Aufgabenstellung der statistischen Thermodynamik kondensierter Phasen notwendig vers...
191 Apart from numerous difficulties arising from the high pressure technique as such, there is a natural limitation to the possibility of applying a hydrostatic pressure, since liquids under pressure will solidify above a certain pressure limit. 8 2 Up to pressures of 3 X 10 at room temperature, a liquid like isopentane can be used. For higher pressures helium gas may be used, perhaps to about 9 2 10, but BRIDGMAN already encountered enormous leakage difficulties 7 when using this gas at 7.10 at 90 K. A solution has been found by applying mechanical pressure for the...
191 Apart from numerous difficulties arising from the high pressure technique as such, there is a natural limitation to the possibility of applying a ...