Stanley Cavell's work is distinctive not only in its importance to philosophy but also for its remarkable interdisciplinary range. Cavell is read avidly by students of film, photography, painting, and music, but especially by students of literature, for whom Cavell offers major readings of Thoreau, Emerson, Shakespeare, and others. In this first book-length study of Cavell's writings, Michael Fischer examines Cavell's relevance to the controversies surrounding poststructuralist literary theory, particularly works by Jacques Derrida, J. Hillis Miller, Paul de Man, and Stanley Fish....
Stanley Cavell's work is distinctive not only in its importance to philosophy but also for its remarkable interdisciplinary range. Cavell is read avid...
Stanley Cavell's work is distinctive not only in its importance to philosophy but also for its remarkable interdisciplinary range. Cavell is read avidly by students of film, photography, painting, and music, but especially by students of literature, for whom Cavell offers major readings of Thoreau, Emerson, Shakespeare, and others. In this first book-length study of Cavell's writings, Michael Fischer examines Cavell's relevance to the controversies surrounding poststructuralist literary theory, particularly works by Jacques Derrida, J. Hillis Miller, Paul de Man, and Stanley Fish....
Stanley Cavell's work is distinctive not only in its importance to philosophy but also for its remarkable interdisciplinary range. Cavell is read avid...
Nuclear family and kibbutz childrearing practices are compared from a Rawlsian perspective of justice. Based upon the kibbutz educational system, which has reinstituted the family, Geiger and Fischer propose a model of educational change for consideration in the United States. This model is designed to strengthen the nuclear family while improving the prospects of disadvantaged, anomic, and unattached youth.
Geiger and Fischer examine, within a Rawlsian perspective, several child-rearing institutions affecting children. Justice as fairness would consider a child-rearing institution and...
Nuclear family and kibbutz childrearing practices are compared from a Rawlsian perspective of justice. Based upon the kibbutz educational system, w...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2003 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europa - Deutschland - Nachkriegszeit, Kalter Krieg, Note: 2,7, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum (Historisches Institut), Veranstaltung: HS Amerikanisierung der BRD und Sowjetisierung der DDR, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Sowjetisierung und Amerikanisierung standen nach 1945 stellvertretend fur einen Neubeginn unter ideologisch verschiedenen Vorzeichen. Sie verwiesen auf nationale Traditionen und standen fur ein entgegengesetztes Begriffspaar. Auffallend ist, dass im gegenwartigen Forschungsstand einer zahlreichen Literatur uber Amerikanisierung...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2003 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europa - Deutschland - Nachkriegszeit, Kalter Krieg, Note: 2,7, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum (His...
Horst Mahler war zweifelsohne einer der wichtigsten Protagonisten der Protestbewegung der 1960er Jahre. Seine "Entpuppung" als Neo-Nationalsozialist und Holocaustleugner in den 1990er und 2000er Jahren beschäftigt die Öffentlichkeit bis heute. Dabei sind in Mahlers Biographie neben allen Diskontinuitäten auch kontinuierliche Elemente auszumachen, u.a. in den Ideologiefragmenten (struktureller)Antisemitismus und Antiamerikanismus sowie in seinen Versuchen die deutsche Schuld nach 1945 abzuwehren.
Horst Mahler war zweifelsohne einer der wichtigsten Protagonisten der Protestbewegung der 1960er Jahre. Seine "Entpuppung" als Neo-Nationalsozialist u...