Descartes is considered the father of modern philosophy, and these two works capture the essence of his thinking. In A Discourse on Method, he explores the moral implications of his method, the reasonings by which he deduces that God exists and that man has a soul, and the implications of his philosophy on science. A Discourse on Method includes Descartes' most famous and quotable statement: "I think; therefore, I am." Meditations on First Philosophy is one of the foundational works in philosophy. Both books are must reading for all who wish to have a solid grounding in philosophy and the...
Descartes is considered the father of modern philosophy, and these two works capture the essence of his thinking. In A Discourse on Method, he explore...
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) is not only one of the men who belongs in the pantheon of the West's greatest thinkers: he influenced everyone else who belongs there too. Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician and writer who spent most of his life in the Dutch Republic during its Golden Age, where he earned the title "Father of Modern Philosophy." Indeed, subsequent Western philosophy came from his writing on empiricism and thought, which are still studied today. His work in mathematics helped establish the Cartesian coordinate system-allowing algebraic equations to be expressed as...
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) is not only one of the men who belongs in the pantheon of the West's greatest thinkers: he influenced everyone else who bel...
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) is not only one of the men who belongs in the pantheon of the West's greatest thinkers: he influenced everyone else who belongs there too. Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician and writer who spent most of his life in the Dutch Republic during its Golden Age, where he earned the title "Father of Modern Philosophy." Indeed, subsequent Western philosophy came from his writing on empiricism and thought, which are still studied today. His work in mathematics helped establish the Cartesian coordinate system-allowing algebraic equations to be expressed as...
Rene Descartes (1596-1650) is not only one of the men who belongs in the pantheon of the West's greatest thinkers: he influenced everyone else who bel...
Si ce discours semble trop long pour etre tout lu en une fois, on le pourra distinguer en six parties. Et, en la premiere, on trouvera diverses considerations touchant les sciences. En la seconde, les principales regles de la methode que l'auteur a cherchee. En la 3, quelques-unes de celles de la morale qu'il a tiree de cette methode. En la 4, les raisons par lesquelles il prouve l'existence de Dieu et de l'ame humaine, qui sont les fondements de sa metaphysique. En la 5, l'ordre des questions de physique qu'il a cherchees, et particulierement l'explication du mouvement du c ur et de quelques...
Si ce discours semble trop long pour etre tout lu en une fois, on le pourra distinguer en six parties. Et, en la premiere, on trouvera diverses consid...