Being Quantum: Ontological Storytelling in the Age of Antenarrative is the first collection of its kind in the newly emerging quantum storytelling genre. Quantum storytelling provides an approach to organizational change based on interconnectedness, embeddedness, and entanglement. This volume offers the reader a collection of thoughtful perspectives on organization development, each inspired by quantum physics and its influence on human thought. Chapters are organized into four sections, addressing concepts related to time, space, matter, and spirituality. Each chapter addresses multiple...
Being Quantum: Ontological Storytelling in the Age of Antenarrative is the first collection of its kind in the newly emerging quantum storytelling gen...
This book offers a fresh perspective on organizational development and change theory and practice. Building on their recent work in quantum storytelling theory and complexity theory, Henderson and Boje consider the implications of fractal patterns in human behavior with a view toward ethics in organization development for the modern world.
Building on Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's (1987) ontology of multiple moving and intersecting fractal processes, the authors offer readers an understanding of how managing and organizing can be adapted to cope with the turbulence and...
This book offers a fresh perspective on organizational development and change theory and practice. Building on their recent work in quantum storyte...
Storytelling is part of social action and interaction that actually shapes the future of organizations. Organization and management studies have overwhelmingly focused to date on rational narrative structures with beginnings, middles, and ends, where narrative has proved to be a handy concept in qualitative studies. Far less attention is given however to the more spontaneous and 'non-staged' storytelling that occurs in organizations. Storytelling and the Future of Organizations explores the science and practice of 'antenarrative' because that is how the future of organization is...
Storytelling is part of social action and interaction that actually shapes the future of organizations. Organization and management studies have ov...
There is a paradigm shift in storytelling consulting. The old one-story-fits-all consulting paradigm of helping companies do elevator pitches, stump speeches and branding their founding story is giving way to what this book calls 'Quantum' Storytelling Consulting. In the Quantum age, it's all about an ensemble of stories rather than branding a single pitch. It's no longer only about the spoken word or the written narrative, rather it's about developing the spaces for storytelling processes, the time when storytelling is emerging, and in the kinds of 'mattering' or material agency that the...
There is a paradigm shift in storytelling consulting. The old one-story-fits-all consulting paradigm of helping companies do elevator pitches, stump s...
There is a gap in the qualitative interviewing methodology practices and comprehensive advanced approaches causing a split between practice and theory, so called Grounded Theory (inductive positivism), and Action Research.
This book's alternative is quite simple; to do 'conversational interviewing' that notices several ontological and dialectical aspects of the interviewing situation. Understanding the dialectical opposition between retrospective sense-making, narrative interviewing questioning, and the content of living stories that are treated as unessential to narrative...
There is a gap in the qualitative interviewing methodology practices and comprehensive advanced approaches causing a split between practice and the...