Achtzig Stichworte greift Roland Barthes auf, deren sich das liebende Subjekt bedient - von Abhngigkeit bis Zugrundegehen, von Zrtlichkeit bis anbetungswrdig. Es entsteht eine Art Topik der Liebesbeziehung aus lauter kleinen, in sich geschlossenen Elementen, sogenannten Figuren, die einen belanglosen Zwischenfall wie zum Beispiel das Ausbleiben eines Telefonanrufs ebenso umfassen wie die verzckte Hingerissenheit der Liebe auf den ersten Blick.
Achtzig Stichworte greift Roland Barthes auf, deren sich das liebende Subjekt bedient - von Abhngigkeit bis Zugrundegehen, von Zrtlichkeit bis anbetun...
S/Z ist das Ergebnis einer strukturalen Balzac-Lektüre, einer Lektüre, die nicht primär den Inhalt, das Erzählte eines Textes analysiert, sondern Wort- und Satzsequenzen, deren Beziehungen aufeinander und auf andere Texte, die strukturale Bedeutung eines Zeichens. Barthes nimmt den Text nicht naiv als das, was er bedeuten will bzw. zu bedeuten vorgibt, sondern vorab als kunstvolles Gewebe von Signifikanten, deren "Sinn" nur aus ihren referentiellen und strukturalen Beziehungen zu entschlüsseln ist.
S/Z ist das Ergebnis einer strukturalen Balzac-Lektüre, einer Lektüre, die nicht primär den Inhalt, das Erzählte eines Textes analysiert, sondern ...
In dieser ersten Vorlesungsreihe, die Roland Barthes nach seiner Berufung an das renommierte College de France hielt, geht es dem groen franzsischen Essayisten um eine Form eingeschrnkten Zusammenlebens in Gruppen, das die Freiheit des Individuums dennoch nicht ausschlieen soll. Modelle solcher Gemeinschaften, die oft durch eine rumliche Beschrnkung charakterisiert sind, findet Barthes im religisen Schrifttum, besonders aber in Werken der Literatur. In seinen fulminanten Analysen, etwa der Konstellationen Grand Hotel/Zauberberg (Thomas Mann), Hhle/Robinson Crusoe (Daniel Defoe) oder...
In dieser ersten Vorlesungsreihe, die Roland Barthes nach seiner Berufung an das renommierte College de France hielt, geht es dem groen franzsischen E...
In these interviews Barthes speaks about the development of his thought, explaining why and how he wrote his many books, paying tributes to people who have inspired him, and discusses how his life became dedicated to an exploration of semiotics. What comes across is the sheer gusto of a man who never stopped developing and changing.
In these interviews Barthes speaks about the development of his thought, explaining why and how he wrote his many books, paying tributes to people who...
Is there any such thing as revolutionary literature? Can literature, in fact, be political at all? These are the questions Roland Barthes addresses in Writing Degree Zero, his first published book and a landmark in his oeuvre. The debate had engaged the European literary community since the 1930s; with this fierce manifesto, Barthes challenged the notion of literature's obligation to be socially committed. Yes, Barthes allows, the writer has a political and ethical responsibility. But the history of French literature shows that the writer has often failed to meet it--and from...
Is there any such thing as revolutionary literature? Can literature, in fact, be political at all? These are the questions Roland Barthes addresses...
"In the sentence 'She's no longer suffering, ' to what, to whom does 'she' refer? What does that present tense mean?" --Roland Barthes, from his diary
The day after his mother's death in October 1977, Roland Barthes began a diary of mourning. For nearly two years, the legendary French theorist wrote about a solitude new to him; about the ebb and flow of sadness; about the slow pace of mourning, and life reclaimed through writing. Named a Top 10 Book of 2010 by The New York Times and one of the Best Books of 2010 by Slate and The Times Literary Supplement,...
"In the sentence 'She's no longer suffering, ' to what, to whom does 'she' refer? What does that present tense mean?" --Roland Barthes, from his di...
"No denunciation without its proper instrument of close analysis," Roland Barthes wrote in his preface to Mythologies. There is no more proper instrument of analysis of our contemporary myths than this book--one of the most significant works in French theory, and one that has transformed the way readers and philosophers view the world around them.
Our age is a triumph of codification. We own devices that bring the world to the command of our fingertips. We have access to boundless information and prodigious quantities of stuff. We decide to like or not, to believe or not, to...
"No denunciation without its proper instrument of close analysis," Roland Barthes wrote in his preface to Mythologies. There is no more prop...
In 1974 Roland Barthes travelled in China as part of a small delegation of distinguished French philosophers and literary figures. They arrived in China just as the last stage of the Cultural Revolution was getting underway - the campaign to criticize Lin Biao and Confucius. While they were welcomed by writers and academics, the travelers were required to follow a pre-established itinerary, visiting factories and construction sites, frequenting shows and restaurants that were the mainstay of Western visitors to China in the 70s.
Barthes planned to return from the trip with a book...
In 1974 Roland Barthes travelled in China as part of a small delegation of distinguished French philosophers and literary figures. They arrived in Chi...