This report analyses and compares three bilateral remittance corridors. The comparison highlights similarities and differences and the significance of the remittance-sending countries to Uganda in terms of volume, corridor formality, risks, and vulnerability to money laundering. It also describes Uganda as a remittance-receiving country and outlines the remittance flows, market players, distribution network, access and usage of remittance, regulatory framework, and measures taken toward anti-money laundering and combating financing of terrorism (AML/CFT). The issues and challenges faced by...
This report analyses and compares three bilateral remittance corridors. The comparison highlights similarities and differences and the significance of...
Cet ouvrage apporte une nouvelle contribution a la litterature sur les evaluations d impact en education. A la difference des etudes deja publiees, l experimentation dont on restitue ici le contexte, les motivations, la mise en oeuvre et les resultats porte sur des interventions complexes, puisqu il s agit d evaluer la capacite d un systeme de gestion tout entier a accroitre l efficacite interne d un systeme educatif. A partir d un echantillon randomise et emboite, on montre que des interventions simultanees aux niveaux des personnels des ecoles, des communautes, et des differents echelons de...
Cet ouvrage apporte une nouvelle contribution a la litterature sur les evaluations d impact en education. A la difference des etudes deja publiees, l ...
Ce rapport est le produit de la collaboration entre une equipe nationale et une equipe d appui exterieur. Il a permis le renforcement des competences en analyse sectorielle des ministeres en charge de l education et a permis d enrichir le dialogue sur le developpement du secteur de l education dans le pays. Il a egalement contribue a l identification des options de politique devant permettre la realisation des objectifs de l EPT dans un cadre financier soutenable. Les options de politique educatives discutees dans le cadre d un modele sectoriel de simulation financiere elabore a la suite de...
Ce rapport est le produit de la collaboration entre une equipe nationale et une equipe d appui exterieur. Il a permis le renforcement des competences ...
Cette analyse sectorielle est le produit de la collaboration entre une equipe nationale interministerielle (ministeres en charge de l education et ministeres partenaires) et une equipe d appui de la Banque mondiale et du Pole de Dakar en analyse sectorielle (UNESCO-BREDA). Le rapport presente les principales caracteristiques du systeme educatif congolais et vise a evaluer les progres realises dans la periode recente, a identifier les contraintes qui pesent sur son developpement ainsi que les marges de man uvres qui pourraient aider le pays a durablement ameliorer son systeme educatif. Ce...
Cette analyse sectorielle est le produit de la collaboration entre une equipe nationale interministerielle (ministeres en charge de l education et min...
Private Health Sector Assessment in Ghana is part of the World Bank Working Paper series. These papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank s ongoing research and to stimulate public discussion. The private health sector in Ghana is a large and important sector in the market for health-related goods and services. However, little has been documented concerning the size and configuration of private providers and their contribution to health sector outcomes. With better information about the size, scope, distribution, and constraints of private actors, Ghana s public policy...
Private Health Sector Assessment in Ghana is part of the World Bank Working Paper series. These papers are published to communicate the results of the...
Ce rapport rend compte de l etat et de la pratique de l amelioration de l assurance qualite (AQ) en Afrique subsaharienne avec un focus particulier sur les etablissements de troisieme cycle qui decernent des diplomes universitaires. L un des resultats principal est que les processus structures nationaux d'assurance-qualite de l enseignement superieur africain sont des phenomenes tres recents et que bon nombre de pays font face a des contraintes majeures de moyens. Un tiers seulement desdits pays sont dotes de mecanismes nationaux d assurance-qualite etablis et structures, souvent aussi...
Ce rapport rend compte de l etat et de la pratique de l amelioration de l assurance qualite (AQ) en Afrique subsaharienne avec un focus particulier su...
National Oil Companies (NOCs) directly or indirectly control the majority of oil and gas reserves. As such, they are of great consequence to their country's economy, to importing countries' energy security, and to the stability of oil and gas markets. The paper analyzes the available evidence on the objectives, governance and performance of 20 NOCs from both net importing and net exporting countries, and draws conclusions about the design of policies and measures that are more likely to lead to social value creation. NOCs differ from private companies on a number of very important variables,...
National Oil Companies (NOCs) directly or indirectly control the majority of oil and gas reserves. As such, they are of great consequence to their cou...
The report aims to gain a better understanding of youth employment outcomes in the hope of crafting more sound and responsive policies. The first part of this study provides an analysis of how youth spend their time and the determinants of this time use. The second part of the study provides an overview and analysis of the technical and vocational education and training sector. It also provides recommendations on how the sector can be made more responsive to the needs of youth in the light of the findings of the first part of the study.
The report aims to gain a better understanding of youth employment outcomes in the hope of crafting more sound and responsive policies. The first part...
This study reviews trends in aid provided to the health sector in Somalia over 2000 2009. It is a testimony to the commitment of donors and implementers who have relentlessly tried to improve the dire health situation of millions of Somalis. At the same time, this study is a wake-up call for all donors and implementers. Have donors been generous enough? Have millions of dollars been invested in the most efficient way to maximize results? Did donors choose the right priorities? Did they stay the course? Did they learn from their own mistakes? The answers are mixed. Donors stepped up their...
This study reviews trends in aid provided to the health sector in Somalia over 2000 2009. It is a testimony to the commitment of donors and implemente...
'The Human Resources for Health Crisis in Zambia' is part of the World Bank Working Paper series. These papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank's ongoing research and to stimulate public discussion. Despite reporting some health gains since the 1990s, health outcomes remain poor in Zambia and it will be very challenging to achieve the health-related Millennium Development Goals by 2015. The Government of Zambia recognizes that the improvement of child and maternal health and the reduction in mortality from HIV/AIDs and malaria require better access to an appropriate number...
'The Human Resources for Health Crisis in Zambia' is part of the World Bank Working Paper series. These papers are published to communicate the result...