Presents a firm mathematical basis for the use of response-adaptive randomization procedures in practice
"The Theory of Response-Adaptive Randomization in Clinical Trials" is the result of the authors' ten-year collaboration as well as their collaborations with other researchers in investigating the important questions regarding response-adaptive randomization in a rigorous mathematical framework. Response-adaptive allocation has a long history in biostatistics literature; however, largely due to the disastrous ECMO trial in the early 1980s, there is a general reluctance to use these...
Presents a firm mathematical basis for the use of response-adaptive randomization procedures in practice
An easy-to-grasp introduction to nonparametric regression
This book's straightforward, step-by-step approach provides an excellent introduction to the field for novices of nonparametric regression. Introduction to Nonparametric Regression clearly explains the basic concepts underlying nonparametric regression and features: * Thorough explanations of various techniques, which avoid complex mathematics and excessive abstract theory to help readers intuitively grasp the value of nonparametric regression methods * Statistical techniques accompanied by clear numerical...
An easy-to-grasp introduction to nonparametric regression
This book's straightforward, step-by-step approach provides an excellent introd...