The series in German medieval studies includes central topics of current research debates in medieval studies and provides a place for groundbreaking research in the field. The series is intended to give international researchers/research teams the opportunity to effectively present innovative surveys and discussions to the scientific community. The series sees itself as a 'young' research forum with a high standard of quality and is therefore also open to excellent degree theses, should they enhance the series.
The series in German medieval studies includes central topics of current research debates in medieval studies and provides a place for groundbreaki...
The series in German medieval studies includes central topics of current research debates in medieval studies and provides a place for groundbreaking research in the field. The series is intended to give international researchers/research teams the opportunity to effectively present innovative surveys and discussions to the scientific community. The series sees itself as a 'young' research forum with a high standard of quality and is therefore also open to excellent degree theses, should they enhance the series.
The series in German medieval studies includes central topics of current research debates in medieval studies and provides a place for groundbreaki...
Mittelalterliche und fruuuml;hneuzeitliche Schreiber, Maler, Illustratoren, Ubersetzer und Autoren hatten offenbar spezifische Vorstellungen von Vorlagentreue; ihre Ubertragungsleistungen wirken auf den modernen Betrachter nicht selten ungenau und eigenwillig. Aber es waauml;re zu einfach, von einer 'typisch mittelalterlichen' Art des Reproduzierens zu sprechen: Die Beitrage dieses Bandes zeigen, dass nur ein differenzierender Zugriff auf die verschiedenen Formen und Konzepte von Reproduktion in Mittelalter und Fruher Neuzeit sinnvoll ist. Aus der interdiszplinaauml;ren Anlage dieses Bandes...
Mittelalterliche und fruuuml;hneuzeitliche Schreiber, Maler, Illustratoren, Ubersetzer und Autoren hatten offenbar spezifische Vorstellungen von Vorla...
The series in German medieval studies includes central topics of current research debates in medieval studies and provides a place for groundbreaking research in the field. The series is intended to give international researchers/research teams the opportunity to effectively present innovative surveys and discussions to the scientific community. The series sees itself as a 'young' research forum with a high standard of quality and is therefore also open to excellent degree theses, should they enhance the series.
The series in German medieval studies includes central topics of current research debates in medieval studies and provides a place for groundbreaki...
Dass das Konzept der Asthetik erst im 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts ausformuliert wird, enthebt die Altgermanistik nicht der Notwendigkeit, ihren Gegenstand, die mittelalterliche Literatur, auf die Dimensionen des Asthetischen hin zu befragen. Dabei liegen die entscheidenden Fluchtpunkte freilich jenseits der Wege, welche die philosophische Asthetik gebahnt hat. So gehen einige der vorliegenden Aufsatze dem Verhaltnis des Asthetischen zur Religion und zur Rhetorik nach. Andere arbeiten an den literarischen Texten selbst, vor allem an solchen der hofischen Epik und Lyrik, und suchen nach...
Dass das Konzept der Asthetik erst im 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts ausformuliert wird, enthebt die Altgermanistik nicht der Notwendigkeit, ihren Gegens...
The series in German medieval studies includes central topics of current research debates in medieval studies and provides a place for groundbreaking research in the field. The series is intended to give international researchers/research teams the opportunity to effectively present innovative surveys and discussions to the scientific community. The series sees itself as a 'young' research forum with a high standard of quality and is therefore also open to excellent degree theses, should they enhance the series.
The series in German medieval studies includes central topics of current research debates in medieval studies and provides a place for groundbreaki...
The volume assesses performative structures within a variety of medieval forms of textuality, from vernacular literature to records of parliamentary proceedings, from prayer books to musical composition. Three issues are central to the volume: the role of ritual speech acts; the way in which authorship can be seen as created within medieval texts rather than as a given category; finally, phenomena of voice, created and situated between citation and repetition, especially in forms which appropriate and transform literary tradition. The volume encompasses articles by historians and...
The volume assesses performative structures within a variety of medieval forms of textuality, from vernacular literature to records of parliamentar...
Religion is probably one of the most important themes in courtly narratives. The religious ideas in Parzival have often been studied, but not with respect to their narratological concept. This study seeks to explore how it is possible to refer to God at all in a medieval courtly text and to methodically elucidate the intersection of religion and literature as an important narrative element in Parzival.
Religion is probably one of the most important themes in courtly narratives. The religious ideas in Parzival have often been studied, but not with ...
This study critically examines previous approaches to textual criticism and editorship, and using the "Parzival" ms. Cgm 19 and the "Tristan" ms. Cgm51 develops the argument that every medieval version of a text possesses inherent value and represents the cultural knowledge of its age and that this can only be appreciated if divergent mss. are not simply seen as deficient variants of an 'original text'.Through an analysis of the historical contexts of text function, Baisch defines the origins, status, and function of textual variation in the medieval vernacular transmission of texts and...
This study critically examines previous approaches to textual criticism and editorship, and using the "Parzival" ms. Cgm 19 and the "Tristan" ms. ...
This book examines the audiences and languages of Dominican sermons in late medieval Italy. It is a thorough analysis of how Latinate theological culture interacted with popular religious devotion. In particular it assesses the role of vernacular theology. Eliana Corbari defines vernacular theology as a form of theology that is based neither on a Latin scholastic model nor a monastic one. It is a "third dimension" of theology which was accessible to the laity, and in particular women, through their attendance at sermons and the reading of vernacular devotional works (in this case, medieval...
This book examines the audiences and languages of Dominican sermons in late medieval Italy. It is a thorough analysis of how Latinate theological c...