The study of Roman Historiography, and with it of individual historians, has undergone a sea change in the last half century, with emphasis increasingly placed on the structures of the text and the method of delivery rather than exclusively on the historical content of the work. Despite this change, and despite the steady accumulation of work on Livy and on the AUC, his 142 volume account of the growth of the Roman state, no new general monograph on Livy has appeared in the last fifty years. A new stock taking is therefore in order, the better to introduce Livy to a new generation of readers;...
The study of Roman Historiography, and with it of individual historians, has undergone a sea change in the last half century, with emphasis increasing...
Although ancient Greek festivals are well understood on the basis of textual evidence, there is no up-to-date or sustained treatment of these dynamic, multi-day events in relation to ancient art. The current book examines the way ancient Greek festivals have been treated in scholarly research overtime as well as how festivals have been understood within the larger scope of ancient religion. By way of introduction, the ancient Greek terminology related to festivals - from their names to their component parts - is outlined, as are the key iconographic elements and descriptive vocabulary used to...
Although ancient Greek festivals are well understood on the basis of textual evidence, there is no up-to-date or sustained treatment of these dynamic,...
Neoanalysis has established itself as one of the two leading schools of interpretation in Homeric studies (together with the theory of Oral Poetry) since its introduction by J.T. Kakridis and its subsequent development by H. Pestalozzi, W. Schadewaldt and W. Kullmann. Long considered as a mainly German or at most a European theory, Neoanalysis has been combined in recent studies (M.W. Edwards, R. Janko, M. Finkelberg, J. Burgess, B. Currie, Chr. Tsagalis) with the theory of Oral Poetry, dominant chiefly in Anglo-American scholarship. This rapprochement paves the way for what seems to be a...
Neoanalysis has established itself as one of the two leading schools of interpretation in Homeric studies (together with the theory of Oral Poetry) si...