Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die karthagischen Hoheitsgebiete auf Sizilien von der Phase der punischen Besiedlung des Westens der Insel im 6. Jh. v. Chr. bis zur Entstehung der romischen Provinz und der augusteischen Organisation. In diesem Zusammenhang werden grundlegende Fragen zur punischen und romischen Prasenz auf Sizilien analysiert. Im besonderen Fokus stehen dabei Topographie, Urbanistik, Befestigungsanlagen, Wohnarchitektur, Tempel und Nekropolen.
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die karthagischen Hoheitsgebiete auf Sizilien von der Phase der punischen Besiedlung des Westens der Insel im 6. ...
The essays in this volume, which are conducted across a broad geographical range, reveal the great potential of studying Bronze Age hoard sites. This volume provides a glimpse into current research on Bronze Age hoard sites between the Baltic Sea and Carpathian Basin while also opening up new perspectives on a phenomenon often regarded as fully researched.
The essays in this volume, which are conducted across a broad geographical range, reveal the great potential of studying Bronze Age hoard sites. Th...
The texts of the Gromatici veteres raise a number of questions: what conclusions can be drawn from them regarding legal history? What are their underlying conceptions of world and place? How can we contextualize them historically and how were they received? All of the collected papers in this volume are devoted to addressing these questions based upon the latest research findings.
The texts of the Gromatici veteres raise a number of questions: what conclusions can be drawn from them regarding legal history? What are ...
The Mittani empire is one of the most enigmatic political structures in Mesopotamian history. Reconstructing the emergence and the organisation of this state, whose territory encompassed Upper Mesopotamia touching the Levant and the piedmont plains of the Zagros in the East at the height of its power, is exceedingly difficult. Cuneiform specialists, archeologists and historians discuss the Mittani state with regard to modes of spatial organisation co- and preexisting in the region.
The Mittani empire is one of the most enigmatic political structures in Mesopotamian history. Reconstructing the emergence and the organisation of ...
Im 8. Jh. v. Chr. erlangten in Agypten lokale Machthaber immer mehr Einfluss gegenuber der Zentralregierung und herrschten schlielich nahezu eigenstandig uber ihre Machtraume. Dieses Werk versammelt erstmalig alle hierzu bekannten Quellen, die hinsichtlich ihrer Aussagekraft uber die soziokulturellen Interaktionen mit Konig und Lokalbevolkerung analysiert werden. Herausgearbeitet wird dabei das angewendete Herrschaftswissen zum Zwecke der eigenen Machtkonsolidierung und die darin erkennbaren Raum-Wissens-Beziehungen der Potentaten.
Im 8. Jh. v. Chr. erlangten in Agypten lokale Machthaber immer mehr Einfluss gegenuber der Zentralregierung und herrschten schlielich nahezu eigens...
From ancient times until the present, spoliation and reutilization have played a waxing and waning role among the determinant factors in the evolution of urban landscapes. They have contributed significantly to shaping urban spaces, both physically and conceptually. This collection of essays describes and analyzes the diverse practical and semantic aspects of transposing and reutilizing materials.
From ancient times until the present, spoliation and reutilization have played a waxing and waning role among the determinant factors in the evolut...
This collection presents major portions of a Berlin conference on ancient geography. The volume is devoted to questions about the shape and size of the Greco-Roman Oecumene, including its boundaries and internal structure. Building upon on analysis of different literary genres, the articles contained in this volume help to unite dispersed and fragmentary knowledge about the subject, as well as to reconstruct and analyze the different contexts in which this knowledge was generated and preserved.
This collection presents major portions of a Berlin conference on ancient geography. The volume is devoted to questions about the shape and size of...
Unterschiedliche soziale Gruppen (Identitaten) nutzten den Raum nicht nur in spezifischer Weise, sondern entwickelten auch sehr eigene Raumkonzepte, die haufig parallel bestehen. Unter Betrachtung dieser parallelen, vielschichtigen Raumnutzung lasst sich die Dynamik der Prozesse im Raum besser abbilden. Die Beitrage des Bandes untersuchen diese Fragestellung aus mannigfaltiger Perspektive.
Unterschiedliche soziale Gruppen (Identitaten) nutzten den Raum nicht nur in spezifischer Weise, sondern entwickelten auch sehr eigene Raumkonzepte...
This book, consisting of 12 contributions, amalgamates the most recent results from archaeological research in the Upper Mesopotamian piedmont. Under the growing influence of expanding territorial states which had become established during the 2nd millennium BC, this region experienced a substantial change in social and political life during that time. The discussion is centered around settlement shapes, developments in the material culture, as well as written documents that attest to this change. In summary, this book emphasizes the significant roll of archaeological research in...
This book, consisting of 12 contributions, amalgamates the most recent results from archaeological research in the Upper Mesopotamian piedmont. Under ...
This volume presents new research by the Topoi group "The Conception of Spaces in Language" on the expression of spatial relations in ancient languages. The six articles in this volume discuss static and dynamic aspects of the spatial grammars of Ancient to Medieval Greek, Akkadian, Hittite, and Hieroglyphic Ancient Egyptian, as well as field data on eight modern languages (Arabic, Hebrew, English, German, Russian, French, Italian, and Spanish). Among the grams discussed are spatial particles, motion verbs, case and, most prominently, spatial prepositions. All ancient language data are...
This volume presents new research by the Topoi group "The Conception of Spaces in Language" on the expression of spatial relations in ancient langu...