The contributors and their methods are diverse. Their papers deal with subjects such as anamorphic art, the geometry of Durer, musical works of Mozart and Beethoven, the history of negative numbers, the development of mathematical notation, and efforts to bring mathematics to bear on problems in commerce and engineering. All papers have English summaries. This book provides historians of mathematics or mathematicians with an interest in history with an overview of the methods, concerns, and results of research in the history of mathematics as it stands today.
The contributors and their methods are diverse. Their papers deal with subjects such as anamorphic art, the geometry of Durer, musical works of Mozart...
This volume contains nine essays dealing with historical issues of mathematics. The topics covered span three different approaches to the history of mathematics that may be considered both representative and vital tothe field. The first section, Images of Mathematics, addresses the historiographical and philosophical issues involved in determining the meaning of mathematical history. The second section, Differential Geometry and Analysis, traces the convoluted development of the ideas of differential geometry and analysis. The third section, Research Communities and International...
This volume contains nine essays dealing with historical issues of mathematics. The topics covered span three different approaches to the history of m...
The texts of the Gromatici veteres raise a number of questions: what conclusions can be drawn from them regarding legal history? What are their underlying conceptions of world and place? How can we contextualize them historically and how were they received? All of the collected papers in this volume are devoted to addressing these questions based upon the latest research findings.
The texts of the Gromatici veteres raise a number of questions: what conclusions can be drawn from them regarding legal history? What are ...
Modellbildung ist eine herausragende geistige Tatigkeit des Menschen. In den Wissenschaften kommt Modellen eine fundamentale Stellung zu, was sie zum Gegenstand intensiver Forschung macht. Die Autoren leisten Beitrage zur Aufklarung von Arten, Funktionen und Zwecken von Modellen, zum Verstandnis ihres Wirklichkeitsbezugs und Wechselspiels mit Theorien, zur Erklarung ihrer handlungsleitenden, orientierenden und erkenntnisfordernden Kraft, zur Analyse des konstruktionalen Prozesses der Modellierung und zur Entwicklung eines differenzierten Modellbegriffs. Untersucht werden Rolle und Status von...
Modellbildung ist eine herausragende geistige Tatigkeit des Menschen. In den Wissenschaften kommt Modellen eine fundamentale Stellung zu, was sie zum ...
Seki was a Japanese mathematician in the seventeenth century known for his outstanding achievements, including the elimination theory of systems of algebraic equations, which preceded the works of Etienne Bezout and Leonhard Euler by 80 years. Seki was a contemporary of Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, although there was apparently no direct interaction between them.
The Mathematical Society of Japan and the History of Mathematics Society of Japan hosted the International Conference on History of Mathematics in Commemoration of the 300th Posthumous Anniversary of Seki in...
Seki was a Japanese mathematician in the seventeenth century known for his outstanding achievements, including the elimination theory of systems of...
Originaltext mit ausfuhrlichen mathematischen sowie historischen Kommentaren von Eberhard Knobloch und aktualisierter Ubersetzung von Otto Hamborg "De quadratura arithmetica circuli" (1676) von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ist eines der bedeutendsten Werke in der Analysis. Dieser Meilenstein der Mathematik- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte behandelt die arithmetische Kreisquadratur, also die Berechnung der Kreisflache mittels einer konvergenten, unendlichen Reihe rationaler Zahlen, Zykloide, Paraboloide, Hyperboloide, Logarithmusfunktionen usf. Die Schrift legte die Grundlagen insbesondere fur die...
Originaltext mit ausfuhrlichen mathematischen sowie historischen Kommentaren von Eberhard Knobloch und aktualisierter Ubersetzung von Otto Hamborg ...