During the past decade many review papers and books have been devoted to descriptions and analyses of biological rhythms (chronobiology) in plants and animals. These contributed greatly to demonstrating the impor tance of bioperiodicities in living beings in general. However, the practi cal aspects of chronobiology with regard to human health and improving the treatment of disease have not yet been a major focus of publication. One of our aims is to establish the relevance of biological rhythms to the practice of medicine. Another is to organize and convey in a simple fashion information...
During the past decade many review papers and books have been devoted to descriptions and analyses of biological rhythms (chronobiology) in plants and...
High altitude physiology and medicine has again become important. The excep tional achievements of mountaineers who have climbed nearly all peaks over 8,000 m without breathing equipment raise the question of maximal adaptation ca pacity of man to low oxygen pressures. More importantly, the increase in tourism in the Andes and the Himalayas brings over 10,000 people to sites at altitudes above 4,000 and 5,000 m each year. At such heights several kinds of high alti tude diseases are likely to occur, and these complications require detailed medical investigations. Medical authorities need to...
High altitude physiology and medicine has again become important. The excep tional achievements of mountaineers who have climbed nearly all peaks over...
The recent surge of interest in designing, validating, and implementing short-term tests for carcinogens has been spurred by the fairly convincing correlation be tween the carcinogenicity and mutagenicity of chemicals and physical agents and by the assumption that DNA alteration, mutations, and chromosome aberrations are somehow involved in neoplastic transformation. Moreover, it has been tacitly assumed that the mutagenic capacity alone of compounds would induce regulatory agencies to pass rules for their removal from the environment and would lead the public to avoid them. The actual...
The recent surge of interest in designing, validating, and implementing short-term tests for carcinogens has been spurred by the fairly convincing cor...
ARCHIVE COpy DO NOT REMOVE The public in industrialized countries shows a mounting concern about biological effects of electrical and magnetic fields. As a result, experimental studies on this subject are being published in increasing numbers throughout the world. Prof. H. L. Konig, of the Technical University of Munich, West Germany, a leading expert and pioneer in this field, has written an authoritative text in a lucid style which makes the material also accessible to lay readers. The book describes the effects of natural as well as artificial electromagnetic energies covering the en tire...
ARCHIVE COpy DO NOT REMOVE The public in industrialized countries shows a mounting concern about biological effects of electrical and magnetic fields....
The field of oxygen study is immense. No single work on the subject can be comprehensive, and this volume makes no such claim. Indeed, coverage here is selective and the selection is somewhat personal. However, the choice of topics is vast There are chapters on the history of oxygen, oxygen in the universe, the biochemistry of oxygen, and clinical uses of oxygen. An alternate title could have been, "Some things you always wanted to know about oxygen, but didn't know where to find them easily." Some information in this wide-ranging work can not be found elsewhere. This book is intended not...
The field of oxygen study is immense. No single work on the subject can be comprehensive, and this volume makes no such claim. Indeed, coverage here i...
This book was written to show that light is a primal element of life. All life originates and develops under the influence of the light of the sun, that "super terrestrial natural force" (Goethe). Sunlight influences the vital processes not onlyofthe plant (e. g., heliotropism, photosynthesis) and the animal (e. g., color change, maturation of the gonads) but of man as well. The human organism too reacts "heliotropically," as the 24 hour rhythm of the sleep-waking cycle demonstrates. of Artists have always perceived clearly the intensive stimulatory effect sunlight on their activity. One is...
This book was written to show that light is a primal element of life. All life originates and develops under the influence of the light of the sun, th...
Biological rhythmicity has been a subject of scientific research for a relatively short time. In the special case of daily, or circadian rhythms, it is only during the past twenty years that rapidly increasing efforts have been undertaken in evaluat ing properties and mechanisms. As a consequence of these efforts, the study of biological and, in particular, circadian rhythmicity is no longer a somewhat dubious occupation but rather a serious branch of science which combines the interdisciplinary efforts of numerous researchers around the world. The general result of these efforts is that many...
Biological rhythmicity has been a subject of scientific research for a relatively short time. In the special case of daily, or circadian rhythms, it i...
The mastery of a variety of biomedical They avoided the self-destruction and dis techniques has led our society to the solu ease that can so readily follow the escalation tion of the problems in environmental con of social disorder in an isolated colony. By trol imposed by space flight. By an unparal following a "code of civility" that may be as leled social cooperative effort, man has much a part of man's biologic inheritance as launched himself successfully on the path of his speech, they established cultures in interplanetary exploration and space travel. which power was exercised with...
The mastery of a variety of biomedical They avoided the self-destruction and dis techniques has led our society to the solu ease that can so readily f...
Wallace O. Fenn (1893-1971) The proceedings of the satellite sym encompass the whole of physiology. His con posium of the XXV International Congress tributions over 50 years covered four main of Physiology on "C0 and Metabolic eras in the development of physiology: 2 Regulations" are dedicated to Wallace muscle, electrolyte, respiratory, and hyper Osgood Fenn. Dr. Fenn had agreed to be baric study. honorary conference chairman of this meet The study of muscle contraction started ing, but was unable to attend because of the in 1922 when Fenn became the first American to work in A. V. Hill's...
Wallace O. Fenn (1893-1971) The proceedings of the satellite sym encompass the whole of physiology. His con posium of the XXV International Congress t...
Die Naturwissenschaften; Edward Arnold Co.; Research in Veterinary Science; Ltd.; Farm Mechanization and Buildings; Springer Verlag; The Ciba Foundation Ltd.; Journal of Agricultural Science; Journal of The Institute of Biology; The Lancet; The Reproduction and Fertility; Lea and Febiger; Physiological Society (G. B.); The Royal Masson et Cie, Paris; MacMillan Publishing Society; University of Chicago Press; Uni Co., Inc.; National Academy of Science, versity of Rhodesia; Verhandlungen der U.S.; National Research Council of Canada; Deutschen Gesellschaft fur KreislautJorsch Nature, London;...
Die Naturwissenschaften; Edward Arnold Co.; Research in Veterinary Science; Ltd.; Farm Mechanization and Buildings; Springer Verlag; The Ciba Foundati...