This study claims that Paul uses his personal example as an explicit literary strategy in 1 Corinthians, Galatians and Philippians, and as an arguably implicit strategy in 1 Thessalonians and Philemon. He uses his own example to ground and illustrate his argumentation in a rhetorically sophisticated manner, often structuring his argument on such a basis. In places a crisp statement of his own case serves as a thesis statement of the argument that follows (e.g., Rom. 1.17; Gal. 1.10), while at other times it serves to summarize the argument and to provide a transition to the next phase...
This study claims that Paul uses his personal example as an explicit literary strategy in 1 Corinthians, Galatians and Philippians, and as an argua...
This collection by Scandinavian scholars offers new studies on classical and modern problems in relation to the Fourth Gospel. There are essays on John and the Synoptics, and on John and the Qumran Scrolls. Other essays present new literary approaches such as the question of the 'implied reader', biblical imagery, and irony and sectarianism. Central theological issues are discussed, including the problem of anti-Judaism, the interpretation of the death of Jesus, the concept of mission, the relation between community and ethics, and the understanding of God in the Johannine writings.
This collection by Scandinavian scholars offers new studies on classical and modern problems in relation to the Fourth Gospel. There are essays on ...
This volume continues the major work published by the JSNT Supplement Series in the area of Greek linguistics of the New Testament, and explores what the editors believe are crucial phases in the application of linguistics to New Testament Greek. The first half of the volume includes essays on such topics as linguistics and literary criticism, linguistics and historical criticism, and linguistics and rhetoric. The second half includes essays dealing with the relations and uses of individual words, but ranges from oral composition to the value of word frequency in determining authorship....
This volume continues the major work published by the JSNT Supplement Series in the area of Greek linguistics of the New Testament, and explores wh...
The volume contains contributions by many of the major discourse analysts of the New Testament, including E.A. Nida, W. Schenk, J.P. Louw and J. Callow. Some of these essays deal with methodology, raising necessary questions about what it means to analyse discourse. Others demonstrate an already committed approach by reading specific texts. A 'state-of-the-art' volume for all scholars interested in this increasingly important area of New Testament research.
The volume contains contributions by many of the major discourse analysts of the New Testament, including E.A. Nida, W. Schenk, J.P. Louw and J. Ca...
This title gives a thorough analysis of The Farewell Discourse (John 13-17), which is a unique and climactic portion of John's Gospel that serves as a hinge on which the entire Gospel narrative pivots from Jesus' public ministry to his Passion. Jesus is presented by the evangelist, with his words and actions, defining and modeling what his disciples are to be in their own soon-approaching ministry to the community of believers and to the world. He is shown giving persuasive words of comfort, encouragement, instruction, and motivation to his disciples as he prepares them to continue his...
This title gives a thorough analysis of The Farewell Discourse (John 13-17), which is a unique and climactic portion of John's Gospel that serves a...
" This book identifies the source of the Colossian error as from within Jewish mystical movements and shows how both the theology and practice which is taught in the epistle is to be understood from this context. The book gives a helpful overview of scholarship that has attempted to identify the nature and source of the Colossian error. The book, unlike many others on the topic, is exegetically driven, and will model thorough and careful exegetical practice. The book interacts with extra-Biblical texts which help the reader to understand the mystical contexts of first century Judaism."
" This book identifies the source of the Colossian error as from within Jewish mystical movements and shows how both the theology and practice which i...
Scholars generally see the aspiration of the Roman Empire and the imperial cult in Asia Minor as the great villain in "Revelation". This book pursues the conviction that the cosmic conflict imagery is the primary and controlling element in the account. It redresses the distortion that results from leaving the larger conflict theme underexposed.
Scholars generally see the aspiration of the Roman Empire and the imperial cult in Asia Minor as the great villain in "Revelation". This book pursues ...
This volume of essays by distinguished international scholars celebrates and pays tribute to the multifarious contributions to the study of scripture that Henry Wansbrough OSB has made over the last 50 years, in a number of wide-ranging contexts, but most notably as General Editor of the New Jerusalem Bible. The essays answer the title's question in three inter-related areas: interpretation, translation and reception. Wansbrough's academic career has been focused in Oxford where he was Master of St Benet's Hall.Involved in many inter-religious and ecumenical dialogues, he is also a...
This volume of essays by distinguished international scholars celebrates and pays tribute to the multifarious contributions to the study of scriptu...
Phillips undertakes a sequential reading of the Prologue of John's Gospel. By using the reading strategies of Iser, Emmott, and Eco, the book establishes a reading strategy termed sequential disclosure, which is then applied to the text.
In order to arrive at the reading, preliminary chapters focus both on historical interpretation of the Prologue in terms of reader response and on the role of the author, the use of persuasion and the development of irony. Special focus is given to the role of the dramatic prologue, as well as the interaction between rhetoric, irony and community....
Phillips undertakes a sequential reading of the Prologue of John's Gospel. By using the reading strategies of Iser, Emmott, and Eco, the book establis...
A comparison of the message of Acts transmitted by Codez Bezae with that of the more familiar Alexandrian text, represented by Codex Vaticanus. For each section of Acts, there is a side by side translation of the Bezan and Alexandrian manuscripts, followed by a critical apparatus and, finally, a commentary that explores the differences in the message of the two texts. It is concluded that the Bezan text, with its interest in internal Jewish affairs and its focus on the struggles of the early disciples to free themselves from their traditional Jewish expectations and to achieve, despite their...
A comparison of the message of Acts transmitted by Codez Bezae with that of the more familiar Alexandrian text, represented by Codex Vaticanus. For ea...