Extending the feminist rhetorical project to define and model rhetorical listening
Long-ignored within rhetoric and composition studies, listening has returned to the disciplinary radar. Rhetorical Listening: Identification, Gender, Whiteness argues that rhetorical listening facilitates conscious identifications needed for cross-cultural communication.
Krista Ratcliffe establishes eavesdropping, listening metonymically, and listening pedagogically as approaches to rhetorical listening. She defines and models rhetorical listening, addressing identifications with...
Extending the feminist rhetorical project to define and model rhetorical listening
Long-ignored within rhetoric and composition studie...
Wendy B. Sharer explores the rhetorical and pedagogical practices through which two prominent postsuffrage organizationsthe League of Women Voters and the Women s International League for Peace and Freedomchallenged the conventions of male-dominated political discourse and trained women as powerful rhetors. "Vote and Voice" is the first book-length study to address the writing and speaking practices of members of women s political organizations in the decade after the suffrage movement. During those years, women still did not have power within deliberative and administrative organs of...
Wendy B. Sharer explores the rhetorical and pedagogical practices through which two prominent postsuffrage organizationsthe League of Women Voters and...
Explores women's complex and changing relationship to the home and how that affected their entry into the workplace. Jessica Enoch examines the spatial rhetorics that defined the home in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and considers how its construction and reconstruction has shaped women's efforts at taking on new kinds of work.
Explores women's complex and changing relationship to the home and how that affected their entry into the workplace. Jessica Enoch examines the spatia...