Competition in Europe, which has been chosen as the title for the Essays in Honour of Henk W. de Jong, contains two key concepts, that characterize his scientific contribution to Industrial Organisation. Professor H.W. de Jong is in the first place an economist who is highly inspired by the dynamics of markets in general and the dynamics and conditions of compe tition in particular. In the second place, H.W. de Jong is a real European economist, not in the sense that his theoretical insights are limited to Europe, but in the sense that his ideas and policy suggestions - especially those...
Competition in Europe, which has been chosen as the title for the Essays in Honour of Henk W. de Jong, contains two key concepts, that characterize hi...
Oil is the lifeblood of the global economy, and its misuse carries the risk of heavy economic and environmental penalties. This book is a collection of essays bearing on economic growth and environmental concerns for a world that will continue to be dependent on oil throughout the next century. Topics include the outlook for petroleum demand and supply, the potential for alternatives to a petroleum-based economy, the costs of controlling automobile emissions, the environmental costs of moving oil by tanker and pipeline, and competition issues in the production and distribution of...
Oil is the lifeblood of the global economy, and its misuse carries the risk of heavy economic and environmental penalties. This book is a collection o...
Empirical Studies in Industrial Organization brings together leading scholars who present state-of-the-art research in the spirit of the structure-conduct-performance paradigm embodied in the work of Leonard W. Weiss. The individual chapters are generally empirically or public policy oriented. A number of them introduce new sources of data that, combined with the application of appropriate econometric techniques, enable new breakthroughs and insights on issues hotly debated in the industrial organization literature. For example, five of the chapters are devoted towards...
Empirical Studies in Industrial Organization brings together leading scholars who present state-of-the-art research in the spirit of the stru...
This volume records the proceedings at the Fifth School of Thoracic Medicine held at the Ettore Majorana School of International Scientific Culture in March 1981. Foregathered there were a heterogeneous group comprising clinicians, pathologists, ultra-microscopists, biochemists, immunologists, cellular biologists and physiologists and they presented the twenty seven papers seen in the contents list. The discussion which followed each paper was faithfully recorded (and where necessary translated) and may be found after each author's presentation. This free discussion is perhaps the most...
This volume records the proceedings at the Fifth School of Thoracic Medicine held at the Ettore Majorana School of International Scientific Culture in...
Some books get written, others write themselves. This book is the latter type. I have devoted myselfto studying the economic organization of industries related to food and agriculture for almost twenty-five years. It has been my good fortune to work at places that tolerated my gadfly approach to research. So long as I produced a few publications each year and wooed a few graduate students to share those interests, I was free to pursue an array of topics: why firms diversifY, the competitive role of advertising, strategies for selling in overseas markets, measuring market power, and many...
Some books get written, others write themselves. This book is the latter type. I have devoted myselfto studying the economic organization of industrie...
Innovation is the turning of ideas into concrete realities. To the extent that this process is an economic one, it must also be subject to political decisions, and these determine which ideas are to have resources made available for their in novation. This book attempts to trace the relationship between ideas, resources and politics. Chapter I deals with the way economic innovation depends both upon markets and upon interference with markets. Schumpeter taught us how market power is essential for innovation. This chapter stresses that the inverse is also true: Innovation can take place...
Innovation is the turning of ideas into concrete realities. To the extent that this process is an economic one, it must also be subject to political d...
Now that this book is being published as part of Hartinus NljhoGBPGBP' s 'Studies in Industrial Organization'. I should like to point out two fac- tors which strongly influenced the study. There would have been no project on this scale if the Peace Research coamittee of the Free University, Amsterdam, had not coamissioned a major empirical investigation into Western Europe'an defence industries and pro- vided the funds and facUities needed to carry it out. I am grateful for this, for the committee's confidence and its patience, and for the unfail- ing support of the secretaries at the...
Now that this book is being published as part of Hartinus NljhoGBPGBP' s 'Studies in Industrial Organization'. I should like to point out two fac- tor...
The present two volumes contain the essays and part of the discussions as presented at the conference on Mainstreams in Industrial Organiza- tion, held at the University of Amsterdam, 21-23 August 1985. The thema was chosen because the field of studies commonly designated "industrial organization" in the Anglo-Saxon countries, or "market theory" in Continental Europe, has experienced important alterations during the past decade. Partly this reflects changing theoretical views inside the field, in which shifts in the core concepts have occurred and different emphasis is laid on time-honoured...
The present two volumes contain the essays and part of the discussions as presented at the conference on Mainstreams in Industrial Organiza- tion, hel...