In view of the increasing problems of waste disposal in the Netherlands, plans were made to pipeline the waste to the Ems-Dollard estuary. To evaluate the practicability a project was started with the aim to implement a simulation model of an estuary ecosystem. This model was based on the knowledge of the hydrology, geochemistry and biology of the Ems estuary. For this approach data of the abiotic and biotic environment were collected in studies of the Ems estuary and are presented in this report. With its comprehensive information of biological processes as food webs, biomass production and...
In view of the increasing problems of waste disposal in the Netherlands, plans were made to pipeline the waste to the Ems-Dollard estuary. To evaluate...
Competition in Europe, which has been chosen as the title for the Essays in Honour of Henk W. de Jong, contains two key concepts, that characterize his scientific contribution to Industrial Organisation. Professor H.W. de Jong is in the first place an economist who is highly inspired by the dynamics of markets in general and the dynamics and conditions of compe tition in particular. In the second place, H.W. de Jong is a real European economist, not in the sense that his theoretical insights are limited to Europe, but in the sense that his ideas and policy suggestions - especially those...
Competition in Europe, which has been chosen as the title for the Essays in Honour of Henk W. de Jong, contains two key concepts, that characterize hi...