This book aims at investigating PDE modeling and vibration control of some typical mechanical distributed parameter systems. Several control methods are proposed to realize stabilization of the closed-loop system with the help of mathematical tools and stability analysis methods. Besides, some common engineering problems, such as input and output constraints, are also involved in the control design. This book offers a comprehensive introduction of mechanical distributed parameter systems, including PDE modeling, controller design and stability analysis. The related fundamental mathematical...
This book aims at investigating PDE modeling and vibration control of some typical mechanical distributed parameter systems. Several control methods a...
This book systematically introduces the principles of flexible forming technologies to manufacture thin-walled complex-shaped components, the mechanism of controlling the material flow, the design and the configuration of flexible forming technologies’ equipment and tools. It covers new technologies and new processes for forming hollow components, and relevant research on forming mechanisms, deformation laws, and defect control with examples from practical applications. It will be a useful reference for researchers, engineers, graduate and undergraduate students in aerospace, nuclear,...
This book systematically introduces the principles of flexible forming technologies to manufacture thin-walled complex-shaped components, the mecha...
This book shares the latest findings on this topic, systematically introduces readers to advances made in robotic harvesting around the globe, and explores the relations between the development of robotic harvesting and the respective social/economic conditions and agricultural business patterns in various countries/regions. Due to the unstructured setting it is used in, and to the significant differences between individual fruit and vegetable targets, robotic harvesting is currently considered to be one of the most challenging robotics technologies. Accordingly, research into this area...
This book shares the latest findings on this topic, systematically introduces readers to advances made in robotic harvesting around the globe, and ...
This book introduces readers to the shell structure, operating principle, manufacturing process, and control theory for cylindrical vibratory gyroscopes. The cylindrical vibratory gyroscope is an important type of Coriolis vibratory gyroscope that holds considerable potential for development and application. The main aspects addressed include: operating principle and structure, theoretical analysis and modeling, dynamic analysis and modeling, manufacturing process, parameter testing methods, closed-loop control, and the error compensation mechanism in cylindrical vibratory...
This book introduces readers to the shell structure, operating principle, manufacturing process, and control theory for cylindrica...
This book focuses on the design of the in-car human–machine interface (HMI) and the design-relevant psychology. It combines a design perspective with an applied theoretical perspective. The design perspective informs the reader about how to set up a design process that puts users at the centre of the design process. The theoretical perspective provides the reader with an understanding of concepts from perception and cognitive psychology, supporting the decision-making in the design process.
This is an ideal book for automotive engineers and practitioners in the...
This book focuses on the design of the in-car human–machine interface (HMI) and the design-relevant psychology. It combines a design perspec...
This book deals with the simulation of the mechanical behavior of engineering structures, mechanisms and components. It presents a set of strategies and tools for formulating the mathematical equations and the methods of solving them using MATLAB. For the same mechanical systems, it also shows how to obtain solutions using a different approaches. It then compares the results obtained with the two methods. By combining fundamentals of kinematics and dynamics of mechanisms with applications and different solutions in MATLAB of problems related to gears, cams,...
This book deals with the simulation of the mechanical behavior of engineering structures, mechanisms and components. It presents a set of str...
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the current research status and open problems in the field of structural synthesis, based on which a systematic methodology for the structural analysis of planar kinematic chains, structural synthesis of planar kinematic chains, and creative design of mechanisms is presented.
The method presented in this book not only promotes the development of theoretical research in the field of mechanical science, and the development of industrial software for the creative design of mechanisms, but also generates novel high-performance mechanisms...
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the current research status and open problems in the field of structural synthesis, based on which a...
This book presents failure mechanisms of different boiler components and preventive measures. It illustrates the basic steam flow and circuit design of steam boiler, boiler design parameters, boiler components materials and their behavior at different temperatures. The book aims to identify the cause(s) of in-service failure of secondary superheater tube, platen superheater tube and furnace water wall tube and also presents the solutions to avoid the future failures. This volume will be of interest to researchers and professionals working in the areas of energy, power generation, electric...
This book presents failure mechanisms of different boiler components and preventive measures. It illustrates the basic steam flow and circuit desig...
This book focuses on the design of the in-car human–machine interface (HMI) and the design-relevant psychology. It combines a design perspective with an applied theoretical perspective. The design perspective informs the reader about how to set up a design process that puts users at the centre of the design process. The theoretical perspective provides the reader with an understanding of concepts from perception and cognitive psychology, supporting the decision-making in the design process.
This is an ideal book for automotive engineers and practitioners in the...
This book focuses on the design of the in-car human–machine interface (HMI) and the design-relevant psychology. It combines a design perspec...
This book systematically introduces the principles of flexible forming technologies to manufacture thin-walled complex-shaped components, the mechanism of controlling the material flow, the design and the configuration of flexible forming technologies’ equipment and tools. It covers new technologies and new processes for forming hollow components, and relevant research on forming mechanisms, deformation laws, and defect control with examples from practical applications. It will be a useful reference for researchers, engineers, graduate and undergraduate students in aerospace, nuclear,...
This book systematically introduces the principles of flexible forming technologies to manufacture thin-walled complex-shaped components, the mecha...