Written by leading exponents in the field, this collection of timely reviews presents observational methods and the latest results of astronomical research as well as their theoretical foundations and interrelations, providing information and scientifically rigorous coverage.
Written by leading exponents in the field, this collection of timely reviews presents observational methods and the latest results of astronomical ...
Initially, the role of snow and ice in the global water balance is assessed and methods of snow measurements are explained. Remote sensing is dealt with with regard to periodical snow cover mapping. Last advances and refinements refer to spatial resolution, cloud interference and separate monitoring of snow and glacier ice. Following a review of snow melt and runoff modelling, the Snowmelt Runoff Model (SRM) demonstrates the merits of remote sensing in snow hydrology by using the satellite data as a direct input variable. Applications in over 100 mountain basins around the world are...
Initially, the role of snow and ice in the global water balance is assessed and methods of snow measurements are explained. Remote sensing is dealt...
Physical Oceanography of the Dying Aral Sea describes the background, present crisis state, and possible future of this peculiar inland water body from the physical oceanographic standpoint. Based on a wide range of material, a large part of which was published in Russian and has not been previously available to the international reader, the book first provides an historical overview of this unique system, which possesses both lake and sea properties.
Next, the current physical state of the lake is described, partly based on original field research and model experiments,...
Physical Oceanography of the Dying Aral Sea describes the background, present crisis state, and possible future of this peculiar inland wa...
The book opens with the basic techniques of satellite geocoding (including the use of GPS and mosaic production) before describing a wide range of algorithms for extraction of information from optical and radar satellite images. The text then moves on to address the derivation of topographic information from space (including the recent Shuttle Topographic Radar Mission) followed by an explanation of the added-value obtained through the integrated use of geocoded satellite data in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Practical commercial and scientific applications are described in detail -...
The book opens with the basic techniques of satellite geocoding (including the use of GPS and mosaic production) before describing a wide range of alg...
Light Scattering Reviews (vol. 9) is aimed at the description of modern advances in radiative transfer and light scattering. The following topics will be considered: light scattering by atmospheric dust particles and also by inhomogeneous scatterers, the general - purpose discrete - ordinate algorithm DISORT for radiative transfer, the radiative transfer code RAY based on the adding-doubling solution of the radiative transfer equation, aerosol and cloud remote sensing, use of polarization in remote sensing, direct aerosol radiative forcing, principles of the Mueller matrix measurements, light...
Light Scattering Reviews (vol. 9) is aimed at the description of modern advances in radiative transfer and light scattering. The following topics will...
Markus Aschwanden introduces the concept of self-organized criticality (SOC) and shows that due to its universality and ubiquity it is a law of nature for which he derives the theoretical framework and specific physical models in this book. He begins by providing an overview of the many diverse phenomena in nature which may be attributed to SOC behaviour.
The author then introduces the classic lattice-based SOC models that may be explored using numerical computer simulations. These simulations require an in-depth knowledge of a wide range of mathematical techniques which...
Markus Aschwanden introduces the concept of self-organized criticality (SOC) and shows that due to its universality and ubiquity it is a law of nat...
Physical Oceanography of the Dying Aral Sea describes the background, present crisis state, and possible future of this peculiar inland water body from the physical oceanographic standpoint. Based on a wide range of material, a large part of which was published in Russian and has not been previously available to the international reader, the book first provides an historical overview of this unique system, which possesses both lake and sea properties.
Next, the current physical state of the lake is described, partly based on original field research and model experiments, along with the...
Physical Oceanography of the Dying Aral Sea describes the background, present crisis state, and possible future of this peculiar inland water body ...
Eugene Sharkov, of the Space Research Institute in Moscow, has here put together the most comprehensive description of the physical findings of an investigation into the spatio-temporal characteristics of the gravity of breaking waves. He s also described the foam activity in the open sea using methods and instruments of optical and microwave remote sensing. Numerous practical applications and illustrations are provided from air-borne, ship-borne and laboratory up-to-date experiments.
Eugene Sharkov, of the Space Research Institute in Moscow, has here put together the most comprehensive description of the physical findings of an ...
As evidenced dramatically and tragically in 2011 alone, earthquakes cause devastation and their consequences in terms of human suffering and economic disaster can last for years or even decades. The VAN method of earthquake prediction, based on the detection and measurement of low frequency electric signals called Seismic Electric Signals (SES), has been researched and evaluated over 30 years, and now constitutes the only earthquake prediction effort that has led to concrete successful results. This book recounts the history of the VAN method, detailing how it has developed and been tested...
As evidenced dramatically and tragically in 2011 alone, earthquakes cause devastation and their consequences in terms of human suffering and econom...
Light Scattering Reviews (vol.7) is aimed at the description of modern advances in radiative transfer and light scattering. The following topics will be considered: the general - purpose discrete - ordinate algorithm DISORT for radiative transfer, fast radiative transfer techniques, use of polarization in remote sensing, Markovian approach for radiative transfer in cloudy atmospheres, coherent and incoherent backscattering by turbid media and surfaces, advances in radiative transfer methods as used for luminiscence tomography, optical properties of aerosol, ice crystals, snow, and oceanic...
Light Scattering Reviews (vol.7) is aimed at the description of modern advances in radiative transfer and light scattering. The following topics will ...