This book puts numerical methods in action for the purpose of solving practical problems in quantitative finance. The first part develops a toolkit in numerical methods for finance. The second part proposes twenty self-contained cases covering model simulation, asset pricing and hedging, risk management, statistical estimation and model calibration. Each case develops a detailed solution to a concrete problem arising in applied financial management and guides the user towards a computer implementation. The appendices contain "crash courses" in VBA and Matlab programming languages.
This book puts numerical methods in action for the purpose of solving practical problems in quantitative finance. The first part develops a toolkit...
This book offers the opportunity to study and experience advanced empi- cal techniques in finance and in general financial economics. It is not only suitable for students with an interest in the field, it is also highly rec- mended for academic researchers as well as the researchers in the industry. The book focuses on the contemporary empirical techniques used in the analysis of financial markets and how these are implemented using actual market data. With an emphasis on Implementation, this book helps foc- ing on strategies for rigorously combing finance theory and modeling technology to...
This book offers the opportunity to study and experience advanced empi- cal techniques in finance and in general financial economics. It is not only s...
Interest Rate Models: an Infinite Dimensional Stochastic Analysis Perspective studies the mathematical issues that arise in modeling the interest rate term structure. These issues are approached by casting the interest rate models as stochastic evolution equations in infinite dimensional function spaces. The book is comprised of three parts. Part I is a crash course on interest rates, including a statistical analysis of the data and an introduction to some popular interest rate models. Part II is a self-contained introduction to infinite dimensional stochastic analysis,...
Interest Rate Models: an Infinite Dimensional Stochastic Analysis Perspective studies the mathematical issues that arise in modeli...
Credit Risk Pricing Models - now in its second edition - gives a deep insight into the latest basic and advanced credit risk modelling techniques covering not only the standard structural, reduced form and hybrid approaches but also showing how these methods can be applied to practice. The text covers a broad range of financial instruments, including all kinds of defaultable fixed and floating rate debt, credit derivatives and collateralised debt obligations.This volume will be a valuable source for the financial community involved in pricing credit linked financial instruments....
Credit Risk Pricing Models - now in its second edition - gives a deep insight into the latest basic and advanced credit risk modelling tec...
Objectives and Audience In the past three decades, we have witnessed the phenomenal growth in the trading of ?nancial derivatives and structured products in the ?nancial markets around the globe and the surge in research on derivative pricing theory. Leading ?nancial ins- tutions are hiring graduates with a science background who can use advanced a- lytical and numerical techniques to price ?nancial derivatives and manage portfolio risks, a phenomenon coined as Rocket Science on Wall Street. There are now more than a hundred Master level degreed programs in Financial Engineering/Quantitative...
Objectives and Audience In the past three decades, we have witnessed the phenomenal growth in the trading of ?nancial derivatives and structured produ...
A comprehensive overview of weak convergence of stochastic processes and its application to the study of financial markets. Split into three parts, the first recalls the mathematics of stochastic processes and stochastic calculus with special emphasis on contiguity properties and weak convergence of stochastic integrals. The second part is devoted to the analysis of financial theory from the convergence point of view. The main problems such as portfolio optimization, option pricing and hedging are examined, especially when considering discrete-time approximations of continuous-time dynamics....
A comprehensive overview of weak convergence of stochastic processes and its application to the study of financial markets. Split into three parts, th...
Many introductory books on mathematical finance also outline some com puter algorithms. My goal is to contribute a closer look at algorithmic issues that arise from complex forms of the underlying pricing models-issues many practitioners need to solve sooner or later in their careers. This book takes such a close look at uncertain volatility models, an exten sion of Black-Scholes theory.It discusses applications to exotic option portfo lios with barriers and early exercise features. It describes an object-oriented C++ solution, included in source code on the accompanying CD. Practitioners and...
Many introductory books on mathematical finance also outline some com puter algorithms. My goal is to contribute a closer look at algorithmic issues t...
This monograph contains: - ten papers written by the author, and co-authors, between December 1988 and October 1998 about certain exponential functionals of Brownian motion and related processes, which have been, and still are, of interest, during at least the last decade, to researchers in Mathematical finance; - an introduction to the subject from the view point of Mathematical Finance by H. Geman. The origin of my interest in the study of exponentials of Brownian motion in relation with mathematical finance is the question, first asked to me by S. Jacka in Warwick in December 1988, and...
This monograph contains: - ten papers written by the author, and co-authors, between December 1988 and October 1998 about certain exponential function...
Mathematical finance and financial engineering have been rapidly expanding fields of science over the past three decades. The main reason behind this phenomenon has been the success of sophisticated quantitative methodolo gies in helping professionals manage financial risks. It is expected that the newly developed credit derivatives industry will also benefit from the use of advanced mathematics. This industry has grown around the need to handle credit risk, which is one of the fundamental factors of financial risk. In recent years, we have witnessed a tremendous acceleration in research...
Mathematical finance and financial engineering have been rapidly expanding fields of science over the past three decades. The main reason behind this ...