This work is aimed at an audience with a sound mathematical background wishing to learn about the rapidly expanding ?eld of mathematical ?nance. Its content is suitable particularly for graduate students in mathematics who have a background in measure theory and probability. The emphasis throughout is on developing the mathematical concepts required for the theory within the context of their application. No attempt is made to cover the bewildering variety of novel (or 'exotic') ?nancial - struments that now appear on the derivatives markets; the focus throu- out remains on a rigorous...
This work is aimed at an audience with a sound mathematical background wishing to learn about the rapidly expanding ?eld of mathematical ?nance. Its c...
This book describes the modelling of prices of ?nancial assets in a simple d- crete time, discrete state, binomial framework. By avoiding the mathematical technicalitiesofcontinuoustime?nancewehopewehavemadethematerial accessible to a wide audience. Some of the developments and formulae appear here for the ?rst time in book form. We hope our book will appeal to various audiences. These include MBA s- dents, upperlevelundergraduatestudents, beginningdoctoralstudents, qu- titative analysts at a basic level and senior executives who seek material on new developments in ?nance at an accessible...
This book describes the modelling of prices of ?nancial assets in a simple d- crete time, discrete state, binomial framework. By avoiding the mathemat...
Practitioners and researchers who have handled financial market data know that asset returns do not behave according to the bell-shaped curve, associated with the Gaussian or normal distribution. Indeed, the use of Gaussian models when the asset return distributions are not normal could lead to a wrong choice of portfolio, the underestimation of extreme losses or mispriced derivative products. Consequently, non-Gaussian models and models based on processes with jumps, are gaining popularity among financial market practitioners.
Non-Gaussian distributions are the key theme of...
Practitioners and researchers who have handled financial market data know that asset returns do not behave according to the bell-shaped curve, asso...
This second edition - completely up to date with new exercises - provides a comprehensive and self-contained treatment of the probabilistic theory behind the risk-neutral valuation principle and its application to the pricing and hedging of financial derivatives. On the probabilistic side, both discrete- and continuous-time stochastic processes are treated, with special emphasis on martingale theory, stochastic integration and change-of-measure techniques. Based on firm probabilistic foundations, general properties of discrete- and continuous-time financial market models are...
This second edition - completely up to date with new exercises - provides a comprehensive and self-contained treatment of the probabilistic theory ...
Continuous-time finance was developed in the late sixties and early seventies by R. C. Merton. Over the years, due to its elegance and analytical conve- nience, the continuous-time paradigm has become the standard tool of anal- ysis in portfolio theory and asset pricing. However, and probably because it was developed hand in hand with option pricing, in which investors' expecta- tions were thought not to matter, continuous-time finance has for a long time almost entirely neglected investors' beliefs. More recently, the development of martingale pricing techniques, in which expectations playa...
Continuous-time finance was developed in the late sixties and early seventies by R. C. Merton. Over the years, due to its elegance and analytical conv...
Does the stock market overreact? Recent capital market turbulences have cast doubt whether the behaviour of stock markets is in line with rational investor behaviour. To which extent stock returns are predictable is the question at the heart of the controversy between the paradigms of rational asset pricing and behavioural finance. This new and revised edition discusses the empirical evidence from both perspectives. Theory and empirical analysis are blended with feedback from security analysts to offer a road towards a deeper understanding of the underlying forces to drive performance in...
Does the stock market overreact? Recent capital market turbulences have cast doubt whether the behaviour of stock markets is in line with rational ...
Modern option pricing theory was developed in the late sixties and early seventies by F. Black, R. e. Merton and M. Scholes as an analytical tool for pricing and hedging option contracts and over-the-counter warrants. How ever, already in the seminal paper by Black and Scholes, the applicability of the model was regarded as much broader. In the second part of their paper, the authors demonstrated that a levered firm's equity can be regarded as an option on the value of the firm, and thus can be priced by option valuation techniques. A year later, Merton showed how the default risk structure...
Modern option pricing theory was developed in the late sixties and early seventies by F. Black, R. e. Merton and M. Scholes as an analytical tool for ...
The modern field of asset pricing asks for sound pricing models grounded on the theory of financial economies a la Ingersoll (1987) as weIl as for accu rate estimation techniques a la Hamilton (1994b) when it comes to empirical inferences of the specified model. The idea behind this book on hand is to provide the reader with a canonical framework that shows how to bridge the gap between the continuous-time pricing practice in financial engineering and the capital market data inevitably only available at discrete time intervals. Three major financial markets are to be examined for which we...
The modern field of asset pricing asks for sound pricing models grounded on the theory of financial economies a la Ingersoll (1987) as weIl as for acc...
Proof of the "Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing" in its general form by Delbaen and Schachermayer was a milestone in the history of modern mathematical finance and now forms the cornerstone of this book.
Puts into book format a series of major results due mostly to the authors of this book.
Embeds highest-level research results into a treatment amenable to graduate students, with introductory, explanatory background.
Awaited in the quantitative finance community.
Proof of the "Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing" in its general form by Delbaen and Schachermayer was a milestone in the history of modern mathe...