Well suited to medium-scale general purpose computing, the Unix time sharing operating system is deservedly popular with academic institutions, research laboratories, and commercial establishments alike. Its user com munity, until recently a brotherhood of experienced computer profes sionals, it now attracting many people concerned with computer appli cations rather than the computer systems themselves. This book is intended for that new audience, people who have never encountered the Unix system before but who do have some acquaintance with computing. While helping beginning users get...
Well suited to medium-scale general purpose computing, the Unix time sharing operating system is deservedly popular with academic institutions, resear...
The papers contained in this volume were presented orally at the seventh POLYMODEL conference, held at Sunderland Polytechnic in the United King dom in May 1984 and sponsored by Barclays Bank PLC and Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. The conferences are organised annually by the North East of England Polytechnic's Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation Group - POLYMODEL. The Group is a non-profit making organisation based on the mathematics department of the three polytechnics in the region and has membership drawn from those educational institutions and from regional industry. Its...
The papers contained in this volume were presented orally at the seventh POLYMODEL conference, held at Sunderland Polytechnic in the United King dom i...
Ada(R) in Practice started lifeas a case studies report, the result of work per- formed under government contract at SofTech, Inc. as part of an effort to identify and resolve issues related to Ada usage. Although that report has now evolved into a book intended for a more general audience, its objectives are largely unchanged. Asbefore, the primary goal is to promote effective use of Ada, both in general programming and design practice and in embedded computer systems specifically. Many features of Ada will be new to pro- grammers and designers familiar with other languages; the program...
Ada(R) in Practice started lifeas a case studies report, the result of work per- formed under government contract at SofTech, Inc. as part of an effor...
A small program is presented to motivate the concerns for programmer productivity and program quality that are the central issues of this set of essays. The example is one which demonstrates the performance aspect of programming. In order to achieve program quality, where a program is understood and known to be correct, we need a primary program description. This primary program description not only describes the program but is also used to generate the program. The method of applying primary program descriptions to produce programs is called metaprogramming and is described in Chapter 3. In...
A small program is presented to motivate the concerns for programmer productivity and program quality that are the central issues of this set of essay...
The author starts with the premise that C is an excellent language for software engineering projects. The book con- centrates on programming style, particularly readability, maintainability, and portability. Documents the proposed ANSI Standard, which is expected to be ratified in 1987. This book is designed as a text for both beginner and inter- mediate-level programmers.
The author starts with the premise that C is an excellent language for software engineering projects. The book con- centrates on programming style, pa...
In the last two years or so, I was most fortunate in being given opportunities of lecturing on a new methodology to a variety of audiences in Britain, China, Finland, France and Spain. Despite my almost Confucian attitude of preferring talking (i.e. a transient record) to writing (i.e. a permanent record), the warm encouragement of friends has led to the ensuing notes. I am also only too conscious of the infancy of the methodology introduced in these notes. However, it is my sincere hope that exposure to a wider audience will accelerate its maturity. Readers are assumed to be familiar with...
In the last two years or so, I was most fortunate in being given opportunities of lecturing on a new methodology to a variety of audiences in Britain,...
The earth, viewed through the window of an airplane, shows a regularity and reptition of features, for example, hills, valleys, rivers, lakes, and forests. Nevertheless, there is great local variation; Vermont does not look like Utah. Similarly, if we rise above the details of a few programming languages, we can discern features that are common to many languages. This is the programming language landscape; the main features include variables, types, control structures, and input/output. Again, there is local variation; Pascal does not look like Basic. This work is a broad and comprehensive...
The earth, viewed through the window of an airplane, shows a regularity and reptition of features, for example, hills, valleys, rivers, lakes, and for...