to Software Engineering For 'tis the sport to have the engineer Hoist with his own petar. Shakespeare, Hamlet In the previous chapter, we introduced same basic information about pro gramming and programming languages, particularly C. If this were a book about building bridges, this first chapter might have been an introduction to the tools you would neeci-hammer, saw, drill, etc. Obviously there is a lot more to building a good bridge than simply knowing how to use the tools. Similarly, creating software products requires considerably more skill than simply wielding the programming tools....
to Software Engineering For 'tis the sport to have the engineer Hoist with his own petar. Shakespeare, Hamlet In the previous chapter, we introduced s...
The author starts with the premise that C is an excellent language for software engineering projects. The book con- centrates on programming style, particularly readability, maintainability, and portability. Documents the proposed ANSI Standard, which is expected to be ratified in 1987. This book is designed as a text for both beginner and inter- mediate-level programmers.
The author starts with the premise that C is an excellent language for software engineering projects. The book con- centrates on programming style, pa...