The External Economic Dimensions of the European Union focuses on the broad range of recent initiatives taken by the EU to reinforce its common external economic policy in a rapidly changing environment. The prospects of the EU are increasingly interrelated with the dynamics of the world economy. In the multipolar post-Cold War economy, the EU faces many uncertainties and new challenges. The transatlantic link still dominates the EU's external relations but the cohesion of the Euro-American relatioship has been tested severely. Moreover, the transition of Central and Eastern Europe and the...
The External Economic Dimensions of the European Union focuses on the broad range of recent initiatives taken by the EU to reinforce its common extern...
This work consists of an English translation, alongside the Dutch text, of the new law of property, rights and interests and the law of obligations (Book 3), the law of real rights (Book 5), the general part of the law of obligations (Book 6) and the law of special contracts (Book 7) of the Netherlands Antilles Civil Code, which entered into force in the Netherlands Antilles on 1 January 2001 and in Aruba on 1 January 2002. It also contains the transitional law enacted on introduction of this new legislation. It is published in Kluwer Law International's -Series of Legislation in...
This work consists of an English translation, alongside the Dutch text, of the new law of property, rights and interests and the law of obligations (B...
Buch 2 des niederlandauml;ndischen Banduuml;rgerlichen Gesetzbuches enthandauml;lt das Herzstanduuml;ck des niederlandauml;ndischen Gesellschaftsrecht. Es gibt Zugang zu den Regelungen des Vereins, der Genossenschaft, des Versicherungsvereins auf Gegenseitigkeit, der Aktiengesellschaft, der GmbH und der Stiftung. Auch die Vorschriften anduuml;ber die Umwandlung, Verschmelzung und den Jahresabschluandszlig; finden sich im Gesetz. Zusatzlich ist nun auch die Spaltung juristischer Personen aufgenommen worden. Der originale Gesetzestext wird hier in aktualisierter Fassung wiedergegeben. In...
Buch 2 des niederlandauml;ndischen Banduuml;rgerlichen Gesetzbuches enthandauml;lt das Herzstanduuml;ck des niederlandauml;ndischen Gesellschaftsrecht...