Phytophagous insects represent a very particular not really belong to their host plant range. This may group of organisms. Firstly, their number amounts lead to mistaken conclusions especially in regions to more than one quarter of all recent species (ex where only few observations were possible, as well cluding fungi, algae and microbes) and together with as in the case of uncommon insect species. Fourthly, the green plants on which they feed they form al the great majority (99. 4%) of the agromyzid species most one half of all living species described so far. studied show a high degree of...
Phytophagous insects represent a very particular not really belong to their host plant range. This may group of organisms. Firstly, their number amoun...
The papers in this book are organized as follows: insect-plant communities, host-plant selection, genetics and evolution, host-plant resistance and application of transgenic plants, and multitrophic interactions. Besides seven invited papers and a paper with concluding remarks, this volume also contains the short communications of all 115 oral presentations and posters. Included too, are the summaries of four European Science Foundation workshops held over the past two years, where European scientists discussed the state-of-the-art and the future of major topics in insect-plant interactions...
The papers in this book are organized as follows: insect-plant communities, host-plant selection, genetics and evolution, host-plant resistance and ap...
The literature is still one of our biggest frustrations to-day. There is, in one sense, too much of it, and in another not enough - for there are insufficient and inadequate published guidelines through this jungle. Last year two excellent books for students of ecological chemistry were published, one in France and one in England. The concordance of the references was a mere overall 3% rising to 7% in the chapters on pheromones. Even in the computer age, the channel remains a formidable barrier to the rapid exchange of biological information. At the present time we are in urgent need of...
The literature is still one of our biggest frustrations to-day. There is, in one sense, too much of it, and in another not enough - for there are insu...
The great importance of accurate systematics for biological control has been pointed out and discussed time and again by numerous authors (see Clausen, 1942; Sabrosky, 1955; Schlinger and Doutt, 1964; Compere, 1969; Rosen and De Bach, 1973; DeBach, 1974; Delucchi, Rosen and Schlinger, 1976; and others) and does not require any further elaboration here. Suffice it to say that when natural enemies are being sought, or are transferred from one region to another in order to bring about biological control of an arthropod pest, correct identification of both the target pests and their natural...
The great importance of accurate systematics for biological control has been pointed out and discussed time and again by numerous authors (see Clausen...
The taxonomic delimitation of the Superfamily Oestroidea is ex- tremely difficult and most authors disagree as to the limits of the group (see HORI, 1967, for a historical survey of Calyptratae classification). ROBACK (1951) included in Oestroidea the families Oestridae (with Hypodermatidae as subfamily), Cuterebridae and Tachinidae. STONE et al. (1965) included the Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Tachinidae, Cuterebridae and Oestridae (with Hypodermatidae as a subfamily). ZUMPT (1957) divided the Oestroidea into: (i) Oestridae, with sub- families Cephenemyiinae, Oestrinae and Hypodermatinae;...
The taxonomic delimitation of the Superfamily Oestroidea is ex- tremely difficult and most authors disagree as to the limits of the group (see HORI, 1...
The papers included in this volume were amongst day running of the conference, and Ms Julia those presented at the 5th International Epheme Reed, Ms Kim James, Ms Anne Devereaux, roptera Conference and the 9th International Mr Peter Green, Ms Catriona Smith who assist Plecoptera Conference at the Marysville Hotel, ed them, Mr David Ginn and all the staff at the Marysville Australia from the 18th to the 24th of Marysville Hotel also deserve special thanks for February 1987. The conference was attended by the the superb catering and relaxed atmosphere 62 participants from 21 countries. This was...
The papers included in this volume were amongst day running of the conference, and Ms Julia those presented at the 5th International Epheme Reed, Ms K...
As in most groups of insects, scientific research on the Chrysomelidae began in Europe in 1758, with the description of a few genera and species by the Scandinavian entomologists C. von Linne, I.C. Fabricius, and others. As the 19th century dawned, many systematic entomologists took up the study of chrysomelid beetles, together with other groups of beetles, and many new species and genera were described from all parts of the world. This trend has, of course, continued down to the present time. However, researches on the Chrysomelidae did not remain restricted to systematics, and many new...
As in most groups of insects, scientific research on the Chrysomelidae began in Europe in 1758, with the description of a few genera and species by th...
Few branches of the biological sciences have developed to such an extent as has ecology in the recent decades. The successful development of this science is directly related to need to create a sound scientific basis by which we can control our diminishing natural resources and integrate this with the control of biological systems of the component species. Studies on the bioenergetics of ecosystems, as well as on the home ostatic mechanisms functioning at the populations and biocenoses levels are of great importance in this respect. The results of these studies are very significant in...
Few branches of the biological sciences have developed to such an extent as has ecology in the recent decades. The successful development of this scie...
The caddis-fly species included in this atlas are environments using insects as a biological measure those either described or recorded from the SW Paci- of water quality. Such surveys have amassed con- fic - Australian region. For the purposes of this siderable amounts of material and initiated extensive work the SW Pacific - Australian region is defined taxonomic work to enable comparative ecological as the area within the boundaries of Weber's line, studies. north to the Equator,east to the International date- The family classification of Trichoptera was ana- line,south to the small...
The caddis-fly species included in this atlas are environments using insects as a biological measure those either described or recorded from the SW Pa...
The opportunity to explore a developing new technology in a single biological system, chitin, from the molecular basis and with the inter relationship of the utilization of benzoylphenyl ureas in effective pest agroecosystem management strategies, represents a new evolution for integration of knowledge in this highly complex area. The degree of great progress and interest in the understanding of the interaction of chitin uItrastructures, biochemistry, and the unique ben zoylphenyl ureas attest to the timeliness of this effort. The purpose of the book that follows is to provide up-to-date and...
The opportunity to explore a developing new technology in a single biological system, chitin, from the molecular basis and with the inter relationship...