The complete screenplay of Anthony Minghella's new adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's THE TALENTED MR RIPLEY. Tom Ripley, a small-time con man, arrives in Italy from New York in search of a wealthy young man named Dickie Greenleaf. He has been sent by the young man's wealthy father to bring Dickie back to America. But once in Italy, Ripley becomes so attracted to Greenleaf and his exotic lifestyle in the seaport village of Mongibello that Tom yearns to inhabit Dickie's life and falls tragically in love with him. Dickie's wealth, style and good looks are qualities that Tom begins to covet. The...
The complete screenplay of Anthony Minghella's new adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's THE TALENTED MR RIPLEY. Tom Ripley, a small-time con man, arrive...
The screenplay of the classic British gangster film. Harold Shand has made it from Whitechapel to running his own corporation, even forging links with the Mafia. Everything indeed is coming up roses, until the Easter weekend when enemies unknown embark on a series of lethal outrages against him.
The screenplay of the classic British gangster film. Harold Shand has made it from Whitechapel to running his own corporation, even forging links with...
This is a companion to Citizen Kane - the film that was designed to shock (Kenneth Tynan) - one of the best-known movies in the history of Hollywood. Not only was it Orson Welles's first film as actor and director but most of the cast were also new to the cinema. Yet so controversial was the subject matter that an 842,000 US dollar bribe and concentration wrath of the Hearst newspaper empire combined in an attempt to strangle its distribution. The authorship of the film is still a subject of conflict. Pauline Keal's essay, Raising Kane, dissects a maze of Hollywood lore to re-evaluate these...
This is a companion to Citizen Kane - the film that was designed to shock (Kenneth Tynan) - one of the best-known movies in the history of Hollywood. ...
The screenplay from the film, revolves around mistaken identities and unrequited love, further complicated by a comic sub-plot. Shakespeare's romantic comedy has been adapted for screenplay by Trevor Nunn, for Renaissance films, responsible for Much ado about Nothing and Hamlet
The screenplay from the film, revolves around mistaken identities and unrequited love, further complicated by a comic sub-plot. Shakespeare's romantic...
Sling Blade won the 1997 Academy Award for best original screenplay
Karl has just been released from an asylum some twenty-five years after he committed a gruesome murder, returns to the town of his youth. His gentle manner and simple charm land him a job, and lead him into an unlikely friendship with a young boy and his widowed mother. But when the mother's abusive boyfriend appears, this simple man is thrust into a combustible situation that could have powerful, moving consequences for all.
Billy Bob Thornton is one of Hollywood's most promising writer/directors, and...
Sling Blade won the 1997 Academy Award for best original screenplay
Karl has just been released from an asylum some twenty-five ...