The complete screenplay of Anthony Minghella's new adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's THE TALENTED MR RIPLEY. Tom Ripley, a small-time con man, arrives in Italy from New York in search of a wealthy young man named Dickie Greenleaf. He has been sent by the young man's wealthy father to bring Dickie back to America. But once in Italy, Ripley becomes so attracted to Greenleaf and his exotic lifestyle in the seaport village of Mongibello that Tom yearns to inhabit Dickie's life and falls tragically in love with him. Dickie's wealth, style and good looks are qualities that Tom begins to covet. The...
The complete screenplay of Anthony Minghella's new adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's THE TALENTED MR RIPLEY. Tom Ripley, a small-time con man, arrive...
Tom Ripley is quietly living a life of luxury at his chateau at Villeperce, and, as ever, is keeping one step ahead of the law - he has, after all, a past that would not bear too much close scrutiny.
Tom Ripley is quietly living a life of luxury at his chateau at Villeperce, and, as ever, is keeping one step ahead of the law - he has, after all, a ...
Published to celebrate the centenary of one of the twentieth century's most influential writers, this is the most comprehensive volume of Highsmith's short fiction. Includes two newly discovered stories.
Published to celebrate the centenary of one of the twentieth century's most influential writers, this is the most comprehensive volume of Highsmith's ...
"You're always good on ideas, Tom..."An American art collector is claiming that the expensive masterpiece he bought is a fake. He wants to meet with the artist - but Tom Ripley knows that artist no longer exits. Ripley needs to hide his role in the fraud, and keep his colleague's mouth shut.
"You're always good on ideas, Tom..."An American art collector is claiming that the expensive masterpiece he bought is a fake. He wants to meet with t...
Someone else should do the dirty work for them - yes, someone with no criminal record could earn a very generous fee for doing a couple of simple murders. Ripley's Game is the third book in Highsmith's Ripley series, and was made into a film starring John Malkovich.
Someone else should do the dirty work for them - yes, someone with no criminal record could earn a very generous fee for doing a couple of simple murd...
We meet on a train, see, and nobody knows we know each other! The psychologists would call it folie a deux... Strangers on a Train was Patricia Highsmith's first novel, and adapted into a classic film by Alfred Hitchcock. 'A true original in crime fiction' The Times
We meet on a train, see, and nobody knows we know each other! The psychologists would call it folie a deux... Strangers on a Train was Patricia High...
one of her finest novels' Guardian"If everybody in the world didn't keep watching to see what everybody else did, we'd all go berserk."Jenny believes that sighting an owl is a portent of death.
one of her finest novels' Guardian"If everybody in the world didn't keep watching to see what everybody else did, we'd all go berserk."Jenny believes ...