We bring into full light some excerpts on musical subjects which were until now scattered throughout the most famous scientific texts. The main scientific and musical cultures outside of Europe are also taken into consideration. The first and most important property to underline in the scientific texts examined here is the language they are written in. This means that our multicultural history of the sciences necessarily also becomes a review of the various dominant languages used in the different historical contexts. In this volume, the history of the development of the sciences is told as...
We bring into full light some excerpts on musical subjects which were until now scattered throughout the most famous scientific texts. The main scient...
The tremendous success of indivisibles methods in geometry in the seventeenth century, responds to a vast project: installation of infinity in mathematics. The pathways by the authors are very diverse, as are the characterizations of indivisibles, but there are significant factors of unity between the various doctrines of indivisible; the permanence of the language used by all authors is the strongest sign.
These efforts do not lead to the stabilization of a mathematical theory (with principles or axioms, theorems respecting these first statements, followed by applications to a set...
The tremendous success of indivisibles methods in geometry in the seventeenth century, responds to a vast project: installation of infinity in math...
In this book the author presents a comprehensive study of Diophantos' monumental work known as Arithmetika, a highly acclaimed and unique set of books within the known Greek mathematical corpus. Its author, Diophantos, is an enigmatic figure of whom we know virtually nothing. Starting with Egyptian, Babylonian and early Greek mathematics the author paints a picture of the sources the Arithmetika may have had. Life in Alexandria, where Diophantos lived, is described and, on the basis of the limited available evidence, his biography is outlined. Of Arithmetika's 13 books only 6 survive in...
In this book the author presents a comprehensive study of Diophantos' monumental work known as Arithmetika, a highly acclaimed and unique set of books...
In addition to tracing the life and times of the mathematician Iris Runge, this book shows how a mathematical bridge was constructed between statistics and quality control of mass products, and between physical-chemical models and concrete product problems.
In addition to tracing the life and times of the mathematician Iris Runge, this book shows how a mathematical bridge was constructed between statistic...
In this volume, a distinguished set of international scholars examine the nature of collaboration between life partners in the sciences, with particular attention to the ways in which personal and professional dynamics can foster or inhibit scientific practice. Breaking from traditional gender analyses which focus on divisions of labor and the assignment of credit, the studies scrutinize collaboration as a variable process between partners living in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries who were married and divorced, heterosexual and homosexual, aristocratic and working-class and...
In this volume, a distinguished set of international scholars examine the nature of collaboration between life partners in the sciences, with parti...
1 Aim and General Description of the Anthology The purpose of this anthology is to introduce the English speaking public to the wide spectrum of texts authored predominently by physicists portraying the ac tual and perceived role of physics in the Nazi state. Up to now no broad and well balanced documentation of German physics during this time has been available in English, despite the significant role physics has played both politically (e. g., in weaponry planning) and ideologically (e. g., in the controversy over the value of theoretical ('Jewish') vs. experimental ('Aryan') physics), and...
1 Aim and General Description of the Anthology The purpose of this anthology is to introduce the English speaking public to the wide spectrum of texts...
Um 1750 war die mathematische Behandlung von Schwingungsproblemen, die fur die Lehre vom Schall wichtig waren, bereits weit fortgeschritten. Newtons Principia aus dem Jahre 1687 leitete auf dem Gebiet der Akustik eine Periode ausgesprochen theoretischer Forschung ein. Es fehlten jedoch systematische experimentelle Untersuchungen fur dieses Gebiet. Chladnis Erstlingswerk Entdeckungen uber die Theorie des Klanges (1787) brachte die Wende und seine bahnbrechende Monographie Die Akustik aus dem Jahre 1802 beeinflusste diese Wissenschaft bis in die Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Beginnend mit...
Um 1750 war die mathematische Behandlung von Schwingungsproblemen, die fur die Lehre vom Schall wichtig waren, bereits weit fortgeschritten. Newton...
This book offers a comprehensive study of Diophantos' Arithmetika, a unique book within the known Greek mathematical corpus whose author, Diophantos, is an enigmatic figure. It details the structure, contents and mathematics of the Arithmetika.
This book offers a comprehensive study of Diophantos' Arithmetika, a unique book within the known Greek mathematical corpus whose author, Diophantos, ...
The significance of foundational debate in mathematics that took place in the 1920s seems to have been recognized only in circles of mathematicians and philosophers. A period in the history of mathematics when mathematics and philosophy, usually so far away from each other, seemed to meet. The foundational debate is presented with all its brilliant contributions and its shortcomings, its new ideas and its misunderstandings.
The significance of foundational debate in mathematics that took place in the 1920s seems to have been recognized only in circles of mathem...