Dialect, Voice, and Identity in Chinese Translation is the first book-length attempt to undertake a descriptive investigation of how dialect in British and American novels and dramas are translated into Chinese.
Dialect, Voice, and Identity in Chinese Translation is the first book-length attempt to undertake a descriptive investigation of how dialect in Britis...
A Deaf Take on Non-Equivalence in Written Chinese Translation examines the issue of lexical non-equivalence between written Chinese and Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL) translation, describing its theoretical and practical implications.
A Deaf Take on Non-Equivalence in Written Chinese Translation examines the issue of lexical non-equivalence between written Chinese and Hong Kong Sign...
The Works of Lin Yutang is the first book to provide a comprehensive study of Lin Yutang’s translation theory and translated (and written) works in English as a whole, examined from the perspective of his pursuit of recognition of cultural equity between China and the English-speaking world.
The Works of Lin Yutang is the first book to provide a comprehensive study of Lin Yutang’s translation theory and translated (and written) works in ...