This textbook provides a clear overview of this area of cognitive psychology which encompasses both language and thought. Focusing on goal-directed thinking and decision making, Nick Lund looks at the relationship between our grasp of language and our problem-solving abilities. Different positions on the issues are contextualized and discussed in a way suitable for the AQA-A A-Level syllabus.
This textbook provides a clear overview of this area of cognitive psychology which encompasses both language and thought. Focusing on goal-directed th...
Paul Rookes and Jane Willson explain perception and perceptual processes in a way that almost anyone can understand. The study of perception, or how the brain processes information from the senses, has fascinated psychologists and philosophers for a long time. Perception takes the key research areas and presents the arguments and findings in a clear, concise form, enabling the reader to have a quick working knowledge of the area. This clear and informative text discusses sensation and perception then looks at theories and explanations of perception. The way visual perception is structured...
Paul Rookes and Jane Willson explain perception and perceptual processes in a way that almost anyone can understand. The study of perception, or how t...
Interpersonal Relationships considers friendship and more intimate relationships including theories of why we need them, how they are formed, what we get out of them and the stages through which they go. Social and cultural variations are discussed as well as the effects of relationships on our well-being and happiness. The book is tailor-made for the student new to higher-level study. With its helpful textbook features provided to assist in examination and learning techniques, it should interest all introductory psychology and sociology students, as well as those training for the...
Interpersonal Relationships considers friendship and more intimate relationships including theories of why we need them, how they are formed,...
Social Cognition looks at the way in which humans interpret, analyse and remember information about the social world. Topics covered include: attribution, social schemas and social representations, prejudice and discrimination. Suitable for the AQA-A A2 and AQA-B AS level examintation, mnd students studying social cognition for the first time at undergraduate level. Series Details The Routledge Modular Psychology Series is a completely new approach to introductory level psychology, tailor-made for the new modular style of teaching. Each book covers a topic...
Social Cognition looks at the way in which humans interpret, analyse and remember information about the social world. Topics covered inclu...
Psychology and Education provides a user-friendly introduction to educational psychology. The book covers psychological theories and their practical applications in education. Susan Bentham has written an ideal guide to this topic for students studying the OCR A-Level specification. The book will also be relevant to those studying the EdExcel specification and to those with a general interest in education and learning. The book covers the cognitive, behaviourist and humanistic perspectives on learning, including the work of Piaget, Vygotsky, Bruner and others, and describes the...
Psychology and Education provides a user-friendly introduction to educational psychology. The book covers psychological theories and their pr...
With a more specific focus than the all-encompassing textbook, each title in this series enables students who are new to psychology to get to grips with a key area of psychological research, while also developing an understanding of basic concepts, debates, and research methodologies. In this book Diana Jackson-Dwyer presents an introductory survey of classic and recent research on relationships and the theories that underpin them.
With a more specific focus than the all-encompassing textbook, each title in this series enables students who are new to psychology to get to grips wi...
Using examples of media from a range of countries in Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa including Uruguay, Poland, China, Indonesia, Jordan and Uganda, Media Reform considers the social and cultural implications of a free and independent media.
Using examples of media from a range of countries in Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa including Uruguay, Poland, China, Indonesia, Jordan and Ug...
An introduction to the basic structures of the central nervous system, the techniques used in neuroscience and a short discussion of the affect of drugs on the brain.
An introduction to the basic structures of the central nervous system, the techniques used in neuroscience and a short discussion of the affect of dru...
Early Socialisation looks at sociability and attachment and how they relate to emotional and cognitive development. Topics covered include: bonding, attachment, deprivation, separation and privation, as well as enrichment. Social and cultural variations are considered, and theories of attachment and loss are described and evaluated.
Early Socialisation looks at sociability and attachment and how they relate to emotional and cognitive development. Topics covered include: b...
Psychopathology is a psychologically based account of the major mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, personality disorders, anxiety and mood disorders as well as eating disorders.
Psychopathology is a psychologically based account of the major mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, personality disorders, anxiety and...