Karl Marx's writings provide a uniquely insightful explanation of the inner workings of capitalism, which other schools of thought generally have difficulty explaining. From this vantage point, Marx's works can help to explain important features and economic problems of our age, and the limits of their possible solutions. For example, the necessity and origin of money, the growth of the wage-earning class, uneven development, cycles and crises, and the relevant impoverishment of the workers, leading to debt and overwork. This book constitutes an overview of developments in political economy...
Karl Marx's writings provide a uniquely insightful explanation of the inner workings of capitalism, which other schools of thought generally have diff...
An introduction to psychological theories which attempt to explain non-human animal behaviour. The theories covered in the book include evolutionary explanations, classical and operant conditioning, and social learning.
An introduction to psychological theories which attempt to explain non-human animal behaviour. The theories covered in the book include evolutionary e...
Evolutionary Explanation of Human Behaviour is a unique introductory level book covering the topic of evolutionary psychology, a relatively new and controversial area of psychology. It deals with aspects of human reproductive behaviour, evolutionary explanations of mental disorders and the evolution of intelligence and the brain. The book is suitable for the AQA(A) A2 syllabus and will also be of interest to undergraduates studying evolutionary psychology and anyone with a general interest in this new discipline.
Evolutionary Explanation of Human Behaviour is a unique introductory level book covering the topic of evolutionary psychology, a relatively new and co...
Cognitive Development provides a detailed and accessible account of three main areas: theories of cognitive development, the development of measured intelligence and the development of moral understanding. The theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, Eisenburg and Bruner are discussed. The book is suitable for the AQA-A A2 level examination and students studying cognitive development for the first time at undergraduate level.
The Routledge Modular Psychology series is a completely new approach to introductory level psychology, tailor-made for the new modular style of teaching. Each...
Cognitive Development provides a detailed and accessible account of three main areas: theories of cognitive development, the development o...
Using examples of media from a range of countries in Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa including Uruguay, Poland, China, Indonesia, Jordan and Uganda, Media Reform considers the social and cultural implications of a free and independent media.
Using examples of media from a range of countries in Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa including Uruguay, Poland, China, Indonesia, Jordan and Ug...
Animal Cognition looks at how non-human animals process information from their environment. Nick Lund has written an accessible account of this area of comparative psychology. The book contains chapters on animal navigation (including homing behaviour and migration), animal communication methods and research into animal language, and attempts to teach language to non-human animals. A chapter on memory includes models of memory in non-human animals and discusses the importance of memory in navigation and foraging behaviour.
Animal Cognition looks at how non-human animals process information from their environment. Nick Lund has written an accessible account of this area o...
Animal Cognition looks at how non-human animals process information from their environment. Nick Lund has written an accessible and engaging account of this area of comparative psychology. The book contains chapters on animal navigation (including homing behaviour and migration), animal communication methods and research into animal language, and attempts to teach language to non-human animals. A chapter on memory includes models of memory in non-human animals and discusses the importance of memory in navigation and foraging behaviour. Animal Cognition is designed to cover the AQA(A) A2...
Animal Cognition looks at how non-human animals process information from their environment. Nick Lund has written an accessible and engaging account o...
This book applies Computable Equilibrium modelling to some of the most urgent international economic policy problems, including the Kyoto Protocol, pension reform and income taxation and also analyses the methodological issues that arise.
This book applies Computable Equilibrium modelling to some of the most urgent international economic policy problems, including the Kyoto Protocol, pe...
How do we know right from wrong, good from bad, help from hindrance, and how can we judge the behavior of others?
Ethics are the rules and guidelines that we use to make such judgements. Often there are no clear answers, which make this subject both interesting and potentially frustrating. In this book the authors offer readers the opportunity to develop and express their own opinions in relation to ethics in psychology.
There are a number of famous many psychological studies that appear to have been harmful or cruel to the people or animals who took part in...
How do we know right from wrong, good from bad, help from hindrance, and how can we judge the behavior of others?
This book fulfils the need for a clear overview of this area of cognitive psychology which encompasses both language and thought. Focusing on goal directed thinking and decision making, Nick Lund looks at the relationship between our grasp of language and our problem solving abilities. Different positions on the issues are contextualised and discussed in a way suitable for the AQA-A A-Level syllabus. Supplementary detail means that the book will also be valuable to other A-Level specification candidates and undergraduates coming to this area for the first time.
This book fulfils the need for a clear overview of this area of cognitive psychology which encompasses both language and thought. Focusing on goal dir...