Old Vic Prefaces is a collection of the author's talks to the actors on those plays which he produced, while a Director of the Old Vic from 1949 to 1953.
Old Vic Prefaces is a collection of the author's talks to the actors on those plays which he produced, while a Director of the Old Vic from 1949 to 19...
"Shakespeare's Dramatic Heritage" shows that the drama of Elizabethan and Jacobean England is deeply indebted to the religious drama of the Middle Ages and represents a climax, in secular guise, to mediaeval experiment and achievement rather than
"Shakespeare's Dramatic Heritage" shows that the drama of Elizabethan and Jacobean England is deeply indebted to the religious drama of the Middle Age...
"Shakespeare's Early Tragedies" contains studies of six plays: "Titus Andronicus, Richard III, Romeo and Juliet, Richard II, Julius Caesar "and "Hamlet. "
"Shakespeare's Early Tragedies" contains studies of six plays: "Titus Andronicus, Richard III, Romeo and Juliet, Richard II, Julius Caesar "and "Hamle...
"G B Harrison" here recognizes that Shakespeare's tragedies were intended for performance in a theatre and that the playwright's conspicuous gift among his contemporaries was a sympathy for joy and sorrow, pity and terror, and right and wrong of
"G B Harrison" here recognizes that Shakespeare's tragedies were intended for performance in a theatre and that the playwright's conspicuous gift amon...
In the seven plays on which the book concentrates, Terence Hawkes finds Shakespeare investigating the operation of two opposed forms of reason, and constructing dramatic metaphors such as the opposition between appearance and reality, or that
In the seven plays on which the book concentrates, Terence Hawkes finds Shakespeare investigating the operation of two opposed forms of reason, and co...
Critiquing the critics, and examining the vocabulary of twentieth century criticism of the Shakespearean tragedies, John Holloway's book covers "Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus "and" Timon of Athens"
Critiquing the critics, and examining the vocabulary of twentieth century criticism of the Shakespearean tragedies, John Holloway's book covers "Hamle...
"Shakespeare's God" investigates whether a religious interpretation of Shakespeare's tragedies is possible. The study places Christianity's commentary on the human condition side by side with what tragedy reveals about it.
"Shakespeare's God" investigates whether a religious interpretation of Shakespeare's tragedies is possible. The study places Christianity's commentary...
The emphasis of this book is that each of Shakespeare's tragedies demanded its own individual form and that although certain themes run through most of the tragedies, nearly all critics refrain from the attempt to apply external rules to them.
The emphasis of this book is that each of Shakespeare's tragedies demanded its own individual form and that although certain themes run through most o...
"Patterns in Shakespearian Tragedy" is an exploration of man's relation to his universe and the way in which it seeks to postulate a moral order. Shakespeare's development is treated accordingly as a growth in moral vision.
"Patterns in Shakespearian Tragedy" is an exploration of man's relation to his universe and the way in which it seeks to postulate a moral order. Shak...
When originally published this book was the first to treat at full length the contribution which music makes to Shakespeare's great tragedies, among them "Hamlet, Othello," and "King Lear." Here the playwright's practices are studied in
When originally published this book was the first to treat at full length the contribution which music makes to Shakespeare's great tragedies, among t...