Perhaps more than any other play of Shakespeare's King Lear has been subjected to almost totally contradictory interpretations. An important theme is the play's examination of society and the ties of service and family love.
Perhaps more than any other play of Shakespeare's King Lear has been subjected to almost totally contradictory interpretations. An important theme is ...
This book discusses the extent of Shakespeare's collaboration in the plays of "Edward III, The Two Noble Kinsmen, Pericles" and the lost "Cardenio." It includes chapters on the dramatic value of the plays irrespective of authorship.
This book discusses the extent of Shakespeare's collaboration in the plays of "Edward III, The Two Noble Kinsmen, Pericles" and the lost "Cardenio." I...
Discussing Shakespeare's sonnets in relation to sonnets by Italian, French and English poets, Kenneth Muir shows how they were influenced by Shakespeare's reading of Sidney, Erasmus and Ovid and discusses their art in terms of construction, sound
Discussing Shakespeare's sonnets in relation to sonnets by Italian, French and English poets, Kenneth Muir shows how they were influenced by Shakespea...
This book ascertains what sources Shakespeare used for the plots of his plays and discusses the use he made of them; and secondly illustrates how his general reading is woven into the texture of his work. The plays are examined in approximately
This book ascertains what sources Shakespeare used for the plots of his plays and discusses the use he made of them; and secondly illustrates how his ...
This study argues that the plays of Shakespeare must be studied by comparison with each other and not as separate entities; that they must be related to one another, to the poems and to the Sonnets; that each individual play acquires a deeper
This study argues that the plays of Shakespeare must be studied by comparison with each other and not as separate entities; that they must be related ...
An invaluable introduction to Shakespeare, this book places Shakespeare's work and criticism against the background of Elizabethan life in its historical, social, political, religious, linguistic and literary aspects.
An invaluable introduction to Shakespeare, this book places Shakespeare's work and criticism against the background of Elizabethan life in its histori...
The scene-by-scene commentary considers "The Winter's Tale" in isolation, but prologue, epilogue and appendix place it in the context of related plays, and discuss, among others, the problem of genre as it affects the play.
The scene-by-scene commentary considers "The Winter's Tale" in isolation, but prologue, epilogue and appendix place it in the context of related plays...
The opening chapter traces the history of the term 'problem plays' as applied to Shakespeare and defines it more clearly and precisely than has been done in the past. "Julius Caesar, Measure for Measure, Antony and Cleopatra "are then discussed
The opening chapter traces the history of the term 'problem plays' as applied to Shakespeare and defines it more clearly and precisely than has been d...
How do the elements of swearing and perjury work in Shakespeare's plays? What effect did Shakespeare intend when he wrote them? How did they contribute to the delineation of character? These questions are investigated by combining a history of ideas
How do the elements of swearing and perjury work in Shakespeare's plays? What effect did Shakespeare intend when he wrote them? How did they contribut...
"The Artistry of Shakespeare's Prose" is the first detailed study of the use of prose in the plays. It begins by defining the different dramatic and emotional functions which Shakespeare gave to prose and verse, and proceeds to analyse the
"The Artistry of Shakespeare's Prose" is the first detailed study of the use of prose in the plays. It begins by defining the different dramatic and e...