Social Marketing is the utilization of marketing principles and methods to encourage behaviour change for the benefit of individuals and communities which is growing in significance as a non-regulatory mechanism to achieve policy goals. At a time when concerns over tourism's contribution to undesirable environmental and social change are greater than ever, these marketing strategies are important for developing sustainable destinations by both encouraging appropriate behaviour as well as creating better balance between tourism and the host community or attraction. Tourism and Social Marketing...
Social Marketing is the utilization of marketing principles and methods to encourage behaviour change for the benefit of individuals and communities w...
Social Marketing is the utilization of marketing principles and methods to encourage behaviour change for the benefit of individuals and communities which is growing in significance as a non-regulatory mechanism to achieve policy goals. At a time when concerns over tourisms contribution to undesirable environmental and social change are greater than ever, these marketing strategies are important for developing sustainable destinations by both encouraging appropriate behaviour as well as creating better balance between tourism and the host community or attraction. Tourism and Social Marketing...
Social Marketing is the utilization of marketing principles and methods to encourage behaviour change for the benefit of individuals and communities w...