Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems (NEEDS) provides a presentation of the state of the art. Except for a few review papers, the 40 contributions are intentially brief to give only the gist of the methods, proofs, etc. including references to the relevant litera- ture. This gives a handy overview of current research activities. Hence, the book should be equally useful to the senior resercher as well as the colleague just entering the field. Keypoints treated are: i) integrable systems in multidimensions and associated phenomenology ("dromions"); ii) criteria and tests of...
Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems (NEEDS) provides a presentation of the state of the art. Except for a few review papers, the 40 co...
Since 1972 the Schools on Nonlinear Physics in Gorky have been a meeting place for Soviet Scientists working in this field. Since 1989 the proceedings appear in English. They present a good cross section of nonlinear physics in the USSR. This third volume emerged from material presented at the 1989 School. It contains sections dealing with nonlinear problems in physics and astrophysics, quantum and solid state physics, dynamical chaos and self-organization.
Since 1972 the Schools on Nonlinear Physics in Gorky have been a meeting place for Soviet Scientists working in this field. Since 1989 the proceedings...
Deals with nonlinear waves and their propagation in metallic and dielectric waveguides and media with stratification. New physical and mathematical concepts are included in addition to the traditional approach.
Deals with nonlinear waves and their propagation in metallic and dielectric waveguides and media with stratification. New physical and mathematical co...
These refereed proceedings present recent developments on specific mathematical and physical aspects of nonlinear dynamics. The new findings discussed in here will be equally useful to graduate students and researchers. The topics dealt with cover a wide range of phenomena: solitons, integrable systems, Hamiltonian structures, Backlund and Darboux transformation, symmetries, fi- nite-dimensional dynamical systems, quantum and statistical mechanics, knot theory and braid group, R-matrix method, Hirota and Painleve analysis, and applications to water waves, lattices, porous media, string theory...
These refereed proceedings present recent developments on specific mathematical and physical aspects of nonlinear dynamics. The new findings discussed...
Out of the multitude of physical processes whose mechanisms depend on the interaction between the atmosphere and a lake, only those have been selected for discussion in this book which are inevitable in the mathematical modeling of lake hydrology and the microclimates, i.e., the meteorological regime over lakes and surrounding land. There are many reasons for a combined consideration of tile hydrological and meteorological aspects. First of all, they are essentially similar from a fluid- mechanical point of view. Thus, the same phenomenon, viz., the turbulent plan- etary boundary layer, is...
Out of the multitude of physical processes whose mechanisms depend on the interaction between the atmosphere and a lake, only those have been selected...
Symmetries and singularity structures play important roles in the study of nonlinear dynamical systems. It was Sophus Lie who originally stressed the importance of symmetries and invariance in the study of nonlinear differential equations. How ever, the full potentialities of symmetries had been realized only after the advent of solitons in 1965. It is now a well-accepted fact that associated with the infinite number of integrals of motion of a given soliton system, an infinite number of gep. eralized Lie BAcklund symmetries exist. The associated bi-Hamiltonian struc ture, Kac-Moody, Vrrasoro...
Symmetries and singularity structures play important roles in the study of nonlinear dynamical systems. It was Sophus Lie who originally stressed the ...
This book deals with the mechanism of signal transduction in vertebrate and invertebrate photoreceptors. It contains contributions on the structure and function of rhodopsin or other G-coupled receptors, on the regulation of second messengers by enzyme cascade, the role of Ca2+ in light adaptation, control of ionic channels in photoreceptor cells.
This book deals with the mechanism of signal transduction in vertebrate and invertebrate photoreceptors. It contains contributions on the structure an...
Given the problems of the environment in relation to the ever-growing civi lization activities of man, it is not surprising that in recent years more and more related data have been collected, phenomena have been observed and concerns have been expressed. The ecological systems of man's environment react to the impact of these civilization activities. In fact, quite often these reactions occur as shocks and surprises. Acid rain and the related forest die backs are but one example. Ecological systems consist of many compo nents and their dynamics is thus complex. The study of complexity is the...
Given the problems of the environment in relation to the ever-growing civi lization activities of man, it is not surprising that in recent years more ...
This book describes the Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology held at Jillich in May 1991. The conference was in a series of application oriented nuclear data conferences organized in the past under the auspices of the Nuclear Energy Agency-Nuclear Data Committee (NEANDC) and with the support of the Nuclear Energy Agency-Committee on Reactor Physics (NEACRP). It was the fIrst international conference on nuclear data held in Germany, with the scientific responsibility entrusted to the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry of the Research Centre...
This book describes the Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology held at Jillich in May 1991. The confer...