A set in complex Euclidean space is called C-convex if all its intersections with complex lines are contractible, and it is said to be linearly convex if its complement is a union of complex hyperplanes. These notions are intermediates between ordinary geometric convexity and pseudoconvexity. Their importance was first manifested in the pioneering work of Andre Martineau from about forty years ago. Since then a large number of new related results have been obtained by many different mathematicians. The present book puts the modern theory of complex linear convexity on a...
A set in complex Euclidean space is called C-convex if all its intersections with complex lines are contractible, and it is said t...
The subject of nonlinear partial differential equations has seen a lot of research on systems underlying basic theories in geometry, topology and physics. These mathematical models share the property of being derived from variational principles. Understanding the structure of critical configurations and the dynamics of the corresponding evolution problems is important for the development of physical theories and their applications. This volume contains survey lectures in four different areas, delivered at the 1995 Barrett Lectures held at the University of Tennessee. The lectures are on:...
The subject of nonlinear partial differential equations has seen a lot of research on systems underlying basic theories in geometry, topology and phys...
Ce livre contient une demonstration detaillee et complete de l'existence d'un isomorphisme equivariant entre les tours p-adiques de Lubin-Tate et de Drinfeld. Le resultat est etabli en egales et inegales caracteristiques. Il y est egalement donne comme application une demonstration du fait que les cohomologies equivariantes de ces deux tours sont isomorphes, un resultat qui a des applications a l'etude de la correspondance de Langlands locale. Au cours de la preuve des rappels et des complements sont donnes sur la structure des deux espaces de modules precedents, les groupes formels...
Ce livre contient une demonstration detaillee et complete de l'existence d'un isomorphisme equivariant entre les tours p-adiques de Lubin-Tate et d...
I1 More than one hundred years ago, Georg Frobenius 26] proved his remarkable theorem a?rming that, for a primep and a ?nite groupG, if the quotient of the normalizer by the centralizer of anyp-subgroup ofG is a p-group then, up to a normal subgroup of order prime top, G is ap-group. Ofcourse, itwouldbeananachronismtopretendthatFrobenius, when doing this theorem, was thinking the category notedF in the sequel G where the objects are thep-subgroups ofG and the morphisms are the group homomorphisms between them which are induced by theG-conjugation. Yet Frobenius hypothesis is truly meaningful...
I1 More than one hundred years ago, Georg Frobenius 26] proved his remarkable theorem a?rming that, for a primep and a ?nite groupG, if the quotient ...
A basic problem in geometry is to ?nd canonical metrics on smooth manifolds. Such metrics can be speci?ed, for instance, by curvature conditions or extremality properties, and are expected to contain basic information on the topology of the underlying manifold. Constant curvature metrics on surfaces are such canonical metrics. Their distinguished role is emphasized by classical uniformization theory. Amorerecentcharacterizationofthesemetrics describes them ascriticalpoints of the determinant functional for the Laplacian.The key tool here is Polyakov'sva- ationalformula for the determinant. In...
A basic problem in geometry is to ?nd canonical metrics on smooth manifolds. Such metrics can be speci?ed, for instance, by curvature conditions or ex...
OverthemillenniaDiophantineequationshavesuppliedanextremelyfertilesource ofproblems. Their study hasilluminated everincreasingpoints ofcontactbetween very di?erent subject areas, including algebraic geometry, mathematical logic, - godictheoryandanalyticnumber theory. Thefocus ofthis bookisonthe interface of algebraic geometry with analytic number theory, with the basic aim being to highlight the ro le that analytic number theory has to play in the study of D- phantine equations. Broadly speaking, analytic number theory can be characterised as a subject concerned with counting interesting...
OverthemillenniaDiophantineequationshavesuppliedanextremelyfertilesource ofproblems. Their study hasilluminated everincreasingpoints ofcontactbetween ...
Federico Gaeta (1923-2007) was a Spanish algebraic geometer who was a student of Severi. He is considered to be one of the founders of linkage theory, on which he published several key papers. After many years abroad he came back to Spain in the 1980s. He spent his last period as a professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. In gratitude to him, some of his personal and mathematically close persons during this last station, all of whom bene?ted in one way or another by his ins- ration, have joined to edit this volume to keep his memory alive. We o?er in it surveys and original articles on...
Federico Gaeta (1923-2007) was a Spanish algebraic geometer who was a student of Severi. He is considered to be one of the founders of linkage theory,...
This book is based on lecture notes from a second-year graduate course, and is a greatly expanded version of our previous monograph K8]. We expose some aspects of the theory of semigroups of linear operators, mostly (but not only) from the point of view of its meeting with that part of spectral theory which is concerned with the integral representation of families of operators. This approach and selection of topics di?erentiate this book from others in the general area, and re?ect the author's own research directions. There is no attempt therefore to cover thoroughly the theory of semigroups...
This book is based on lecture notes from a second-year graduate course, and is a greatly expanded version of our previous monograph K8]. We expose so...
This volumecomprisesa setof lecturenotes fromthe CIMPASummer School, - rangements and Local systems and Singularities, held at Galatasaray University, Istanbul, during June11-22,2007.Theschoolwasattendedby68mathematicians, 35 of them from 19 countries outside Turkey. The Summer School was made up of eleven short courses and ?ve seminars presented by an outstanding group of lecturers who covered a wide range of topics related to the concepts of arran- ments, localsystems andsingularities.Thelist of lectures ofthe workshopappears below.Mostmembers of the audienceweregraduatestudents oryoung...
This volumecomprisesa setof lecturenotes fromthe CIMPASummer School, - rangements and Local systems and Singularities, held at Galatasaray University,...