Volume 43 of Progress in Drug Research contains five reviews and the various indexes which facilitate its use and establish the connection with the previous volumes. The articles in this volume deal with high cholesterol blood levels and other dyslipidemias; search of ideal antihypertensive drugs; the natural PQlyamines and the immune system; biologically active quinazolones and with production and action of interferons. In the 35 years the PDR has existed, the Editor has enjoyed the valuable help and advice of many colleagues. Readers, the authors of the reviews, and last but not least, the...
Volume 43 of Progress in Drug Research contains five reviews and the various indexes which facilitate its use and establish the connection with the pr...
Jay A. Glasel: Drugs, the human genome, and individual-based medicine.- Vera M. Kolb: Herbal medicine of Wisconsin Indians.- Paul L. Skatrud: The impact of multiple drug resistance (MDR) proteins on chemotherapy and drug discovery.- John W. Ford, Edward B. Stevens, J. Mark Treherne, Jeremy Packer and Mark Bushfield: Potassium channels: Gene family, therapeutic relevance, high-throughput screening technologies and drug discovery.- David T. Wong and Frank P. Bymaster: Dual serotonin and noradrenaline uptake inhibitor class of antidepressants - Potential for greater efficacy of just hype?.-...
Jay A. Glasel: Drugs, the human genome, and individual-based medicine.- Vera M. Kolb: Herbal medicine of Wisconsin Indians.- Paul L. Skatrud: The impa...
Due tothedevelopmentofdrugresistanceandotherlimitationsinthe treat ment of AIDS patients with reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors like zidovu dineandothers, itbecamenecessarytoexploreantiviralagentsactingontar getsotherthan RT. Inthepastfewyears, hundredsofHIVproteaseinhibitoLs have been synthesized and tested. Among these protease inhibitors, saquinavir, ritonavir, indinavir and nelfinavir have been marketed during 1995-1997. In this review, emphasis is placed on the development of HIV protease inhibitors as antiviral agents against HIV, structure-activity rela tionship (SAR) analysis...
Due tothedevelopmentofdrugresistanceandotherlimitationsinthe treat ment of AIDS patients with reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors like zidovu dinean...
In the first years of the existence of this series of monographs, during the so-called "Golden Age" of drug research, the majority of the pa- pers published were mainly concerned with the traditional domains of drug research, namely chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and pre- clinical investigations. The series' aim was to give coverage to impor- tant areas of research, to introduce new active substances with thera- peutic potential and to call attention to unsolved problems. This objective has not changed. The table of contents of the present volume makes evident, however, that the search...
In the first years of the existence of this series of monographs, during the so-called "Golden Age" of drug research, the majority of the pa- pers pub...
In the first years of the existence of this series of monographs, during the so-called "Golden Age" of drug research, the majority of the pa- pers published were mainly concerned with the traditional domains of drug research, namely chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and pre- clinical investigations. The series' aim was to give coverage to impor- tant areas of research, to introduce new active substances with thera- peutic potential and to call attention to unsolved problems. This objective has not changed. The table of contents of the present volume makes evident, however, that the search...
In the first years of the existence of this series of monographs, during the so-called "Golden Age" of drug research, the majority of the pa- pers pub...
Volume 31 of "Progress in Drug Research" contains 13 articles, a sub- ject index, an index for all articles that have been published so far in this series of monographs, as well as an author and subject index for all 31 volumes. The reviews in this volume are particularly concerned with the therapy of helminth diseases, with pyramidinones as biody- namic agents, and with quinolones which are of interest in the treat- ment of infections. For a deeper understanding of the pharmacokinet- ic actions of modem drugs, the articles on cooperative binding of drug molecules to DNA, on in vitro models...
Volume 31 of "Progress in Drug Research" contains 13 articles, a sub- ject index, an index for all articles that have been published so far in this se...
The editor is happy to present volume 30, a Jubilee volume, to the read- ers of "Progress in Drug Research." In the 27 years of its existence, this series of monographs has published more than three hundred suvey- articles covering almost all aspects of drug research, thus providing the opportunity of using the monographs for encyclopedic information. It is the editor's hope that the new volume, which contains 12 contribu- tions, will also be interesting and useful, both to those who are actively engaged in research and to those who wish to keep abreast of the latest developments and cannot...
The editor is happy to present volume 30, a Jubilee volume, to the read- ers of "Progress in Drug Research." In the 27 years of its existence, this se...
Volume 29 of 'Progress in Drug Research' contains 10 articles, a sub- ject index for this volume, an alphabetic index of articles for volumes 1-29, and an author und subject index for all the volumes which have so far been published. The contributions of volume 29 are particularly concerned with drugs in general, hypertension and cardiovascular drugs, atherosclerosis, teratogenic hazards and carcinogenecity, hist- amine, dopamine agonists, tetrahydroquinolines and /J-carbolines, and meddicinal research. The authors have tried, and I think they have succeded, not only to summarize the current...
Volume 29 of 'Progress in Drug Research' contains 10 articles, a sub- ject index for this volume, an alphabetic index of articles for volumes 1-29, an...
S. Ren and E.J. Lien: CaCo-2 cell permeability vs human gastrointestinal absorption: QSPR analysis.- J.C.G. Halford and J.E. Blundell: Pharmacology of appetite suppression.- B. Olivier, W. Soudijn and I. van Wijngaarden: Serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine transporters in the central nervous system and their inhibitors.- D. Poyner, H. Cox, M. Bushfield, J.M. Treherne and M.K. Demetrikopoulos: Neuropeptides in drug research.- M. Kumari and M.K. Ticku: Regulation of NMDA receptors by ethanol.- H. Horikoshi, T. Hashimoto and T. Fujiwara: Troglitazone and emerging glitazones: new avenues for...
S. Ren and E.J. Lien: CaCo-2 cell permeability vs human gastrointestinal absorption: QSPR analysis.- J.C.G. Halford and J.E. Blundell: Pharmacology of...
Founded in 1959 by its current Editor, the series has moved from its initial focus on medicinal chemistry to a much wider scope. Today it encompasses all fields concerned with the development of new therapeutic drugs and the elucidation of their mechanisms of action, reflecting the increasingly complex nature of modern drug research. Invited authors present their biological, chemical, biochemical, physiological, immunological, pharmaceutical, toxicological, pharmacological and clinical expertise in carefully written reviews and provide the newcomer and the specialist alike with an up-to-date...
Founded in 1959 by its current Editor, the series has moved from its initial focus on medicinal chemistry to a much wider scope. Today it encompasses ...