Seit dem Erscheinen des ersten Bandes sind acht Jahre vergangen, und der Herausgeber freut sich, der Fachwelt hiermit den 11. Band ubergeben zu konnen. In dieser Zeitspanne haben auf verschiedenen Gebieten der Arzneimittelfor- schung wichtige, zum Teil umwiilzende Entwicklungen stattgefunden; einzelne davon wurden in dieser Reihe bereits behandelt, mit dem Resultat, daB die FORT- SCHRITTE DER ARZNEIMITTELFORSCHUNG in ihrer Gesamtheit einen nicht unwesent- lichen Teil unseres heutigen Wissens in zusammenfassender DarstelIung enthalten. Der Herausgeber schiitzt sich gliicklich und ist dankbar...
Seit dem Erscheinen des ersten Bandes sind acht Jahre vergangen, und der Herausgeber freut sich, der Fachwelt hiermit den 11. Band ubergeben zu konnen...
Ten years have elapsed since the appearance of the first Volume and it is with great pleasure that the Editor is now able to present Volume 13. During these ten years various fields of drug research have undergone important, partly revolutionary, changes. A number of these have already been dealt with, so that the series PROGRESS IN DRUG RESEARCH contains a comprehensive review of a substantial part of our current knowledge. The Editor is particularly grateful for the opportunity of transmitting to those connected with the development of drugs the extensive knowledge of the Authors, who,...
Ten years have elapsed since the appearance of the first Volume and it is with great pleasure that the Editor is now able to present Volume 13. During...
The 19th volume deals, as did its predecessor, with current problems of tropical medicine. Both volumes are based on various international Symposia which were held in Bombay on the occasion of the 75-year Platinum Jubilee of the Haffkine Institute in the Spring of 1974. The contributions in the 19th volume are based on lectures at thetast three Symposia which dealt with Helminthiasis, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus and Cholera. The 70 articles provide the reader with an impressive cross-section of the current state of specialized knowledge on the subject and the outstanding problems. Even...
The 19th volume deals, as did its predecessor, with current problems of tropical medicine. Both volumes are based on various international Symposia wh...
Volume 38 of "Progress in Drug Research" contains four reviews and the various indexes which facilitate its use and establish the connection with the previous volumes. The articles in this volume deal with novel quinolones and their antibacterial properties; neu- ropeptides and their immunoregulatory role; the new generation of monoamine oxidase inhibitors and their potential use in Parkin- son's disease; and with alternative approaches to the discovery of novel antipsychotic agents. These four reviews present important tools in the search for new and useful medicines. In the 32 years that...
Volume 38 of "Progress in Drug Research" contains four reviews and the various indexes which facilitate its use and establish the connection with the ...
Progress in Drug Research is a prestigious book series which provides extensive expert-written reviews on a wide spectrum of highly topical areas in current pharmaceutical and pharmacological research. It serves as an important source of information for researchers concerned with drug research and all those who need to keep abreast of the many recent developments in the quest for new and better medicines.
Progress in Drug Research is a prestigious book series which provides extensive expert-written reviews on a wide spectrum of highly topical areas i...
Nikolaus Seiler, Benoit Duranton and Francis Raul: The polyamine oxidase inactivator MDL 72527.- Zhi Hong and Craig E. Cameron: Pleiotropic mechanisms of ribavirin antiviral activities.- Jie Hong Hu and Charles Krieger: Protein phosphorylation networks in motor neuron death.- James O. Schenk: The functioning neuronal transporter for dopamine: kinetic mechanisms and effects of amphetamines, cocaine and methylphenidate.- Laszlo Prokai: Central nervous system effects of thyrotropin-releasing hormone and ist analogues: opportunities and perspectives for drug discovery and development.- David F....
Nikolaus Seiler, Benoit Duranton and Francis Raul: The polyamine oxidase inactivator MDL 72527.- Zhi Hong and Craig E. Cameron: Pleiotropic mechanisms...
Hypertension is one of the cardiovascular diseases which is most common throughout the world. It is generally defined as an elevation of systolic and/or diastolic arterial blood pressure, which is 120/80 mm Hg in normal situation. A value of 140/90 mm is generally accepted as the upper limit of normotension. Hypertension with certain risk factors such as hypercholes- terolemia, diabetes, smoking and a family history of vascular disease pre- disposes to arteriosclerosis and consequent cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The treatment of hypertension leads to reduced risk of hyperten- sive...
Hypertension is one of the cardiovascular diseases which is most common throughout the world. It is generally defined as an elevation of systolic and/...
Der vorliegende 48. Band der Reihe -Fortschritte der Arzneimittelfor schung- enthalt acht Beitrage, die wiederum von anerkannten Forschern verfasst wurden. Ausserdem sind auch in diesem Band ein Stichwortver zeichnis des Bandes sowie ein Autoren-und Titelverzeichnis und ein Titel verzeichnis aller 48 Bande enthalten. Der Leser hat dadurch die Mog lichkeit, nicht nur den vorliegenden Band zu konsultieren, sondern auch alle bisher erschienenen Bande quasi als enzyklopadisches N achschla gewerk zu benutzen. Da alle Beitrage umfangreiche Literaturnachweise enthalten, ist die Moglichkeit des...
Der vorliegende 48. Band der Reihe -Fortschritte der Arzneimittelfor schung- enthalt acht Beitrage, die wiederum von anerkannten Forschern verfasst wu...
Volume 47 of "Progress in Drug Research" contains eight reviews and the various indexes which facilitate its use and establish the connection with the previous volumes. The articles in this volume deal with inotropic steroids, with chemokines and their involvement in a wide range of inflam- matory diseases, with the subclassification and nomenclature of ul- and Uz-adrenoceptors, with Chinese traditional medicine, with drug targets in the molecular pathogenesis of asthma, with cytokines and their therapeutic application in immunosuppression and immunostimulation, with alter- native medicine...
Volume 47 of "Progress in Drug Research" contains eight reviews and the various indexes which facilitate its use and establish the connection with the...