In den Beitragen des Sammelbands werden Kulturen des Wettstreitens in bildkunstlerischen und literarischen Darstellungen sowie in sozio-kulturellen Praktiken in der Zeit von 1450 bis 1620 untersucht. Im Zentrum stehen Aspekte, die uber den humanistischen 'Kernbereich' lateinischer Textproduktion und uber die Paragone-Diskussion in den Bildkunsten hinausgehen. Untersucht werden aemulative Verfahren, die abseits expliziter Ordnungsprogramme das Eigengewicht und die Uberlegenheit des jeweiligen Gegenstands in Auseinandersetzung mit den Alten (deutsches, lateinisches und griechisches Altertum)...
In den Beitragen des Sammelbands werden Kulturen des Wettstreitens in bildkunstlerischen und literarischen Darstellungen sowie in sozio-kulturellen...
Reversing F. O. Matthiessen's famous description of translation as "an Elizabethan art," Elizabethan literature may well be considered "an art of translation ." Amidst a climate of intense intercultural and intertextual exchange, the cultural figure of translatio studii had become a formative concept in most European vernacular writing of the period. However, due to the comparatively marginal status of English in European literary culture, it was above all translation in the literal sense that became the dominant mode of applying this concept in late 16th-century England....
Reversing F. O. Matthiessen's famous description of translation as "an Elizabethan art," Elizabethan literature may well be considered "an art of tran...
Based on the key concepts of ‛pluralization' and ‛authority', the series presents studies on early modern literature and culture from the 15th to the 17th century. The early modern period is increasingly recognized in cultural studies as an age whose cultural paradigms still largely depended on medieval norms and traditions but at the same time also created a set of conditions that facilitated Europe's transition to modernity. As opposed to established historical grand narratives such as modernization or secularization, the volumes in this series attempt to describe the...
Based on the key concepts of ‛pluralization' and ‛authority', the series presents studies on early modern literature and culture from t...
This study examines the phenomenon of Italian-Spanish multilingualism during the Regno di Napoli in the 16th century. This period is investigated as an example of multilingualism using a range of documentation from bureaucratic communications. Departing from an analysis of multilingual texts and communication processes in the central administrative bodies, the study focuses particularly on the multilingualism of the persons involved.
This study examines the phenomenon of Italian-Spanish multilingualism during the Regno di Napoli in the 16th century. This period is inves...
Based on the key concepts of ‛pluralization' and ‛authority', the series presents studies on early modern literature and culture from the 15th to the 17th century. The early modern period is increasingly recognized in cultural studies as an age whose cultural paradigms still largely depended on medieval norms and traditions but at the same time also created a set of conditions that facilitated Europe's transition to modernity. As opposed to established historical grand narratives such as modernization or secularization, the volumes in this series attempt to describe the...
Based on the key concepts of ‛pluralization' and ‛authority', the series presents studies on early modern literature and culture from t...
Assumendo come campo operativo lo spazio comunicativo siciliano nei secoli XV-XVII, il presente lavoro offre un contributo assai innovativo alla storiografia delle lingue romanze.
Attraverso una capillare analisi di dieci Ricettari di segreti, una tradizione discorsiva scientifico-religiosa tanto contenutisticamente, quanto linguisticamente composita ed eterogenea, si analizzano in maniera esemplare le dinamiche di contatto tra gli idiomi presenti nel Regno di Sicilia (latino, siciliano, toscano, castigliano, ecc.) sia sul piano dell'organizzazione testuale, sia sui livelli...
Assumendo come campo operativo lo spazio comunicativo siciliano nei secoli XV-XVII, il presente lavoro offre un contributo assai innovativo alla st...
To metaphorize the world as a theatre has been a common procedure since antiquity, but the use of this trope became particularly prominent and pregnant in early modern times, especially in England. Old and new applications of the "theatrum mundi" topos pervaded discourses, often allegorizing the deceitfulness and impermanence of this world as well as the futility of earthly strife. It was frequently woven into arguments against worldly amusements such as the stage: Commercial theatre was declared an undesirable competitor of God's well-ordered world drama.
Early modern dramatists...
To metaphorize the world as a theatre has been a common procedure since antiquity, but the use of this trope became particularly prominent and preg...
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, objects, texts and people travelled around the world on board Dutch ships. The essays in this book explore how these circulations transformed knowledge in Asian and European societies. They concentrate on epistemic consequences in the fields of historiography, geography, natural history, religion and philosophy, as well as in everyday life. Emphasizing transformations, the volume reconstructs small semantic shifts of knowledge and tentative adjustments to new cultural contexts. It unfolds the often conflict-ridden, complex and largely global...
In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, objects, texts and people travelled around the world on board Dutch ships. The essays in this book exp...
Die fruhneuzeitliche Rezeption klassischer Mythen in Text und Bild beforderte nicht nur eine Vielzahl von Deutungsmustern und Bildtraditionen, sondern provozierte zugleich Gegenreaktionen in Form neuartiger und komischer Mythenadaptionen. Die Studie kontextualisiert erstmals 'launige' Gotterbilder aus den italienischen und nordalpinen Bildkunsten im Rahmen groerer Motivkomplexe sowie dichtungs- und kunsttheoretischer Diskurse.
Die fruhneuzeitliche Rezeption klassischer Mythen in Text und Bild beforderte nicht nur eine Vielzahl von Deutungsmustern und Bildtraditionen, sond...