This volume introduces a new subseries of Philosophy and Medicine, Classics of Medical Ethics. The purpose of this new subseries is to bring out scholars' editions of major works in the history of medical ethics and philosophy of medicine. This new subseries will target for publication texts that are long out of print and difficult to access. Each volume will contain an introduction to the writings on medical ethics and philosophy of medicine produced by the original author. Each volume will also contain a guide to the primary and major secondary Hterature, to facilitate teaching and...
This volume introduces a new subseries of Philosophy and Medicine, Classics of Medical Ethics. The purpose of this new subseries is to bring out schol...
Debate regarding organ sales is largely innocent of the history of thought on the matter. This volume seeks to remedy this shortcoming. Positions for or against a market in human organs are nested within moral intuitions, ontological or political theoretical premises, or understandings of special moral concerns, such as permissible uses of the body, which have a long history of analysis. The essays compass the views of Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Locke, Kant, Hegel, Mill and Christianity, as well as particular methodological approaches, such as the phenomenology of the body, natural law...
Debate regarding organ sales is largely innocent of the history of thought on the matter. This volume seeks to remedy this shortcoming. Positions for ...
This volume explores Confucian views regarding the human body, health, virtue, suffering, suicide, euthanasia, human drugs, ' human experimentation, and justice in health care distribution. These views are rooted in Confucian metaphysical, cosmological, and moral convictions, which stand in contrast to modern Western liberal perspectives in a number of important ways. In the contemporary world, a wide variety of different moral traditions flourish; there is real moral diversity. Given this circumstance, difficult and even painful ethical conflicts often occur between the East and the West...
This volume explores Confucian views regarding the human body, health, virtue, suffering, suicide, euthanasia, human drugs, ' human experimentation, a...
K. Danner Clouser is one of the most important figures in establishing and shaping the fields of medical ethics, bioethics, and the philosophy of education in the second half of the twentieth century. Clouser challenged many established approaches to moral theory and offered innovative strategies for integrating the humanities into professional education, especially that of physicians and nurses. The contributions published in Building Bioethics: Conversations with Clouser and Friends on Medical Ethics are unique both in their devotion to a critical review of his contributions, and...
K. Danner Clouser is one of the most important figures in establishing and shaping the fields of medical ethics, bioethics, and the philosophy of educ...
The germs of the ideas in this book became implanted in me during my experience as a resident in clinical pathology at Boston University Medical Center. At the time, I had inklings that the test results churned out by our laboratories were more than scientific facts. As a philosophically unsophisticated young physician, however, I had no language or framework to analyze what I saw as a deep philosophical problem, a problem largely unrecognized by most physicians. The test results provided by our laboratories were accurate and of great practical importance for patient care. However, most of...
The germs of the ideas in this book became implanted in me during my experience as a resident in clinical pathology at Boston University Medical Cente...
The term bioethics' was coined in 1971, just as interest in the medical humanities claimed a prominent place in medical education. Out of this interest, a substantial area of research and scholarship took shape: the philosophy of medicine. This field has been directed to the epistemological, ontological, and value-theoretical issues occasioned by medicine and the biomedical sciences. Bioethics is nested in this field and can only be fully understood in terms of the foundational issues it addresses. This collection of essays in honor of Stuart F. Spicker, one of the individuals who gave shape...
The term bioethics' was coined in 1971, just as interest in the medical humanities claimed a prominent place in medical education. Out of this interes...
of UB's medical school, that UB developed its School of Arts and Sciences, and thus, assumed its place among the other institutions of higher education. Had Fillmore lived throughout UB's first seventy years, he would probably have been elated by the success of his university, and he should have been satisfied and pleased that UB remained intrinsically bonded to its community while at the same time engrafting the values and standards important to higher education's mission in the region. UB and its medical school have undergone many challenging transitions since 1846. Included among them...
of UB's medical school, that UB developed its School of Arts and Sciences, and thus, assumed its place among the other institutions of higher educatio...
The germs of the ideas in this book became implanted in me during my experience as a resident in clinical pathology at Boston University Medical Center. At the time, I had inklings that the test results churned out by our laboratories were more than scientific facts. As a philosophically unsophisticated young physician, however, I had no language or framework to analyze what I saw as a deep philosophical problem, a problem largely unrecognized by most physicians. The test results provided by our laboratories were accurate and of great practical importance for patient care. However, most of...
The germs of the ideas in this book became implanted in me during my experience as a resident in clinical pathology at Boston University Medical Cente...
Is there only one bioethics? Is a global bioethics possible? Or, instead, does one encounter a plurality of bioethical approaches shaped by local cultural and national traditions? Some thirty years ago a field of applied ethics emerged under the rubric bioethics'. Little thought was given at the time to the possibility that this field bore the imprint of a particular American set of moral commitments. This volume explores the plurality of moral perspectives shaping bioethics. It is inspired by Kazumasa Hoshino's critical reflections on the differences in moral perspectives separating Japanese...
Is there only one bioethics? Is a global bioethics possible? Or, instead, does one encounter a plurality of bioethical approaches shaped by local cult...
of UB's medical school, that UB developed its School of Arts and Sciences, and thus, assumed its place among the other institutions of higher education. Had Fillmore lived throughout UB's first seventy years, he would probably have been elated by the success of his university, and he should have been satisfied and pleased that UB remained intrinsically bonded to its community while at the same time engrafting the values and standards important to higher education's mission in the region. UB and its medical school have undergone many challenging transitions since 1846. Included among them...
of UB's medical school, that UB developed its School of Arts and Sciences, and thus, assumed its place among the other institutions of higher educatio...