A PHENOMENOLOGICAL APPROACH My interest in exploring the nature of the patient's and the physician's understanding of illness has grown out of my own experience as a multiple sclerosis patient. In discussing my illness with physicians, it has often seemed to me that we have been somehow talking at cross purposes, discussing different things, never quite reaching one another. This inability to communicate does not, for the most part, result from inatten tiveness or insensitivity but from a fundamental disagreement about the nature of illness. Rather than representing a shared reality between...
A PHENOMENOLOGICAL APPROACH My interest in exploring the nature of the patient's and the physician's understanding of illness has grown out of my own ...
This book is about an art in which the Netherlands excels: strategic planning. Foreign observers will need little convincing of the merits of Dutch planning. They will want to know whether routine explanations (small country, industrious, disciplined people hardened by the perennial fight against the sea) hold any water, and they will want to know where to look for the bag of tricks of Dutch planners. Dutch readers need to be convinced first that planning in the Netherlands is indeed effective before contemplating how this has come about. Our message for both is that, to the extent that Dutch...
This book is about an art in which the Netherlands excels: strategic planning. Foreign observers will need little convincing of the merits of Dutch pl...
Synchrotron Techniques in Interfacial Chemistry covers the structure of the electrode--solution interface and surface films, theory of X-ray scattering at surfaces and interfaces, synchrotron radiation instrumentation, surface X-ray diffraction, X-ray reflectivity, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS and XANES), standing wave techniques, and IR spectroscopy. The use of each technique in the study of electrochemical problems is illustrated.
Synchrotron Techniques in Interfacial Chemistry covers the structure of the electrode--solution interface and surface films, theory of X-ray scatterin...
Like many novel ideas, the idea for this volume and its predecessor arose over lunch in the cafeteria of the old Wellcome Institute. On an atternoon in Sept- ber 1988, Dorothy and Roy Porter, and I, sketched out a plan for a set of conf- ences in which scholars from a variety of disciplines would explore the emergence of modern medical ethics in the English-speaking world: from its pre-history in the quarrels that arose as gentlemanly codes of etiquette and honor broke down under the pressure of the eighteenth-century "sick trade," to the Enlightenment ethics of John Gregory and Thomas...
Like many novel ideas, the idea for this volume and its predecessor arose over lunch in the cafeteria of the old Wellcome Institute. On an atternoon i...
Papers presented at a symposium on philosophy and medicine at the Institute for the Medical Humanities at the University of Texas Medical Branch in 1974 were published in the inaugural volume of this series. To help celebrate more than 20 years of extraordinary success with the series, another symposium was convened in Galveston in 1995. The convenors asked the participants these questions: In what ways and to what ends have academic humanists and medical scientists and practitioners become serious conversation partners in recent years? How have their dialogues been shaped by prevailing...
Papers presented at a symposium on philosophy and medicine at the Institute for the Medical Humanities at the University of Texas Medical Branch in 19...
A multidisciplinary and multifaceted approach is employed to identify principal ecosystems and natural resources in the U.S. Great Plains that are at risk and that should receive priority for protection. The authors are drawn from a variety of disciplines and approaches, their ideas being presented as a pooling or harvest, rather than as a consensus. The 25 chapters provide background and in-depth discussion of multiple issues/problems related to Great Plains stewardship for future generations. The status and trends of major resources of the Great Plains within an historical, ecological and...
A multidisciplinary and multifaceted approach is employed to identify principal ecosystems and natural resources in the U.S. Great Plains that are at ...
The editors of the Philosophy and Medicine series recognize with grat itude the foresight, understanding, hard labor, and patience of Prof. Kazumasa Hoshino. It is his perseverance that has made this volume a reality. It was his faith in ideas that brought together a cluster of scholars in Tokyo on September 2-4, 1994, at Sophia University for a U. S. -J apan Bioethics Congress. With the support of the Foundation for Advance ment of International Science, the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership, the Foundation of Thanatology, the Japanese Center for Quality of Life Studies, and...
The editors of the Philosophy and Medicine series recognize with grat itude the foresight, understanding, hard labor, and patience of Prof. Kazumasa H...
In contemporary ethical discussion widespread concern about the potential risks of genetic engineering is raising new and fundamental questions about our responsibilities towards unborn generations. Newly acquired knowledge in genetic engineering techniques has brought about not only potential benefits but also immense risks for the well-being of both present and future generations. This book raises a number of ethical issues concerning the impact of genetic engineering on generations yet to be born. The four topical areas that constitute the focus of the volume, namely (1) from laboratory to...
In contemporary ethical discussion widespread concern about the potential risks of genetic engineering is raising new and fundamental questions about ...
The best things in my Ufe have come to me by accident and this book results from one such accident: my having the opportunity, out of the blue, to go to work as H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. 's, research assistant at the Institute for the Medical Humanities in the University of Texas Medi cal Branch at Galveston, Texas, in 1974, on the recommendation of our teacher at the University of Texas at Austin, Irwin C. Lieb. During that summer Tris "lent" me to Chester Bums, who has done important schol arly work over the years on the history of medical ethics. I was just finding out what bioethics was...
The best things in my Ufe have come to me by accident and this book results from one such accident: my having the opportunity, out of the blue, to go ...
debating (and possibly ratifying) the Convention at the national level 13]. The Convention identified basic principles necessary for the applica- tion of medicine and the life sciences. It set out to protect the dignity and identity of all human beings: ''The interests and welfare of the human being shall prevail over the sole interest of society or science" (art. 2). It also requests that appropriate measures be taken to provide equitable access to healthcare of appropriate quality. The principle of respecting the free and informed consent of the person is clearly stressed. The issue of...
debating (and possibly ratifying) the Convention at the national level 13]. The Convention identified basic principles necessary for the applica- tio...