Die Idee eines selbstandigen Bandes von "Pfander-Studien" entstand nach dem Internationalen Kongress "Die Munchener Phanomenologie", der an lasslich des hundertsten Geburtstags von Alexander Pfander in Munchen stattfand. Ursprunglich war geplant, die im zweiten Teil des Kongresses im Rahmen einer Arbeitstagung uber "Das Werk und die Bedeutung Alexander pfanders" gehaltenen Referate, die bereits vervielfaltigt waren, nebst Diskussionsberichten in den vorgesehenen Gesamtband uber die Konferenz fur die Serie Phaenomenologica einzuschlie- ssen. Als sich herausstellte, dass der dort verfugbare...
Die Idee eines selbstandigen Bandes von "Pfander-Studien" entstand nach dem Internationalen Kongress "Die Munchener Phanomenologie", der an lasslich d...
The problematic reality of an alterity implicit in the concept of communication has been a consistent attestation in formal discourse. The rapport of thought to this alterity has been consistently described as a radical inadequation. By virtue of the communicational economy which produces discontinuity and relation, illumination and the possibility of consciousness, an opacity haunts the famili- arity of comprehension. Consciousness' spontaneity is limited by the difference or discontinuity of the exterior thing, of the exterior subject or intersubjective other, and of the generality of...
The problematic reality of an alterity implicit in the concept of communication has been a consistent attestation in formal discourse. The rapport of ...
There is a remarkable unity to the work of Edmund Husserl, but there are also many difficulties in it. The unity is the result of a single personal and philo- sophical quest working itself out in concrete phenomenological analyses; the difficulties are due to the inadequacy of initial conceptions which becomes felt as those analyses become progressively deeper and more extensive. Anyone who has followed the course of Husserl's work is struck by the constant reemergence of the same problems and by the insightfulness of the inquiries which press toward their solution. However one also becomes...
There is a remarkable unity to the work of Edmund Husserl, but there are also many difficulties in it. The unity is the result of a single personal an...
I. DER GEGENSTAND UND DIE METHODE DER UNTER- SUCHUNG 9 Die Wahmehmung als intentionales Erlebnis 9 1. Zur Kritik eines physikalistischen Wahmehmungs begriffs. Die phanomenologische Einstellung und die Bestimmung des Bewusstseins von innen. 2. Die phanomenologische Erfahrung 19 Zur Kritik des empiristischen Immanenzbegriffs und des diesem korrelierenden Begriffs der inneren Wahmehmung. Das Bewusstsein als zweiseitig unabgeschlossen. Phanomenologische Erfahrung als Vergegenwartigung. II. DIE WAHRNEHMUNGSPROBLEMATIK IN ERKENNT- NISTHEORETISCH-REDUKTIVER FRAGESTELLUNG 29 29 3. Leibhaftigkeit und...
I. DER GEGENSTAND UND DIE METHODE DER UNTER- SUCHUNG 9 Die Wahmehmung als intentionales Erlebnis 9 1. Zur Kritik eines physikalistischen Wahmehmungs b...
In the present stage of integration, private and public market integration is really what the European Community is all about. A stable security settin- itself, in part, a result of European integration - and cooperative politics in Western Europe have enabled the creation and maintenance of an elaborate legal system and common institutions facilitating the unification of product markets throughout the Community. Of course, the pervasive and incessant politicisation of Community decision-making at the Ministerial level tends to diminish attention for what actually happens in the Community...
In the present stage of integration, private and public market integration is really what the European Community is all about. A stable security setti...
Le present volume rassemble plusieurs etudes qu' Alfred Schutz avait consacrees a diverses questions qui gravitent autour d'un probleme philosophique majeur: celui de la socialite. La plupart de ces etudes ont Me publiees ailleurs, mais elles etaient dispersees et d'un acces parfois difficile. Tel quel, l'ouvrage que nous presentons n' est que la premiere partie d'un ensemble dans lequell'auteur se proposait de faire reunir par son disciple et ami Maurice Natanson les nombreux essais qu'il avait ecrits depuis son arrivee aux Etats-Unis au debut de la demiere guerre. La mort l'empecha de voir...
Le present volume rassemble plusieurs etudes qu' Alfred Schutz avait consacrees a diverses questions qui gravitent autour d'un probleme philosophique ...
This book grew from a series of lectures presented in 1983 in the context of the Summer Program in Phenomenology at The Pennsylvania State University. For these lectures I made use of notes and short essays which I had written between 1978 and 1982 during interdisciplinary seminars on Heidegger's later philosophy in general, and on his philosophy of language and art in particular. The participants in these seminars consisted of faculty members and graduate students concerned with the sciences, the arts, literature, literary criticism, art history, art education, and philosophy. On both...
This book grew from a series of lectures presented in 1983 in the context of the Summer Program in Phenomenology at The Pennsylvania State University....
In a few pages I would like to express and to justify my admiration for the exceptional book of Jeffrey Barash. His training as an his- torian, complemented by that of the philosopher, has served him richly, not only in the discovery of rare texts and of unpublished correspondence but in the reconstruction of the philosophical landscape at the beginning of the century, and then in the period between the two wars. Standing out in the foreground of this land- scape are the two mountains constituted by Sein und Zeit and Hei- degger's work following the Kehre. This reconstruction by no means...
In a few pages I would like to express and to justify my admiration for the exceptional book of Jeffrey Barash. His training as an his- torian, comple...
Over the past decades many books and essays have been written on phenomeno- logical psychology. Some of these publications are historical in character and were designed to give the reader an idea of the origin, meaning, and function of phenom- enological psychology and its most important trends. Others are theoretical in nature and were written to give the reader an insight into the ways in which various authors conceive of phenomenological psychology and how they attempt. to justify their views in light of the philosophical assumptions underlying their conceptions. Finally, there are a great...
Over the past decades many books and essays have been written on phenomeno- logical psychology. Some of these publications are historical in character...