A young girl spends her summer vacation in a country house where a tiger roams...A man reading a mystery finds out too late that he is the murderer's victim...
In the stories collected here--including Blow-Up, on which Antonioni based his film--Julio Cortazar explores the boundary where the everyday meets the mysterious, perhaps even the terrible. This is the most brilliant and celebrated book of short stories by a master of the form.
A young girl spends her summer vacation in a country house where a tiger roams...A man reading a mystery finds out too late that he is the murderer's ...
After collapsing from an illness while attending a business meeting, a dying Artemio Cruz, a rich and powerful landowner in modern Mexico, is driven by conscience to recall his corrupt life. Reprint.
After collapsing from an illness while attending a business meeting, a dying Artemio Cruz, a rich and powerful landowner in modern Mexico, is driven b...
Octavio Paz has written one of the most enduring and powerful works ever created on Mexico and its people, character, and culture. Compared to Ortega y Gasset's The Revolt of the Masses for its trenchant analysis, this collection contains Octavio Paz' most famous work, The Labyrinth of Solitude, a beautifully written and deeply felt discourse on Mexico's quest for identity that gives us an unequaled look at the country hidden behind the mask. Also included are Postscript, Return to the Labyrinth of Solitude, and Mexico and the United States, all of which develop the themes of...
Octavio Paz has written one of the most enduring and powerful works ever created on Mexico and its people, character, and culture. Compared to Ortega ...
In this deeply moving picture of the turmoil of the first great revolution of the twentieth century--the Mexican Revolution of 1910--Azuela depicts the anarchy and the idealism, the base human passions and the valor and nobility of the simple folk, and, most striking of all, the fascination of revolt--that peculiar love of revolution for revolution's sake that has characterized most of the social upheavals of the twentieth century. Los de Abajo is considered "the only novel of the Revolution" and, since the spring of 1925, has been published in several languages and more than...
In this deeply moving picture of the turmoil of the first great revolution of the twentieth century--the Mexican Revolution of 1910--Azuela depicts th...
Considered by many to be one of the first Latin American masters of the short story, Horacio Quiroga is author of some 200 pieces of fiction often compared to that of Rudyard Kipling, Jack London, and Edgar Allan Poe. Among this collection of tales selected by the author himself are stories of sickness, family tragedy, personal despair, and geographical exile, and also the frequent brutality of man.
Considered by many to be one of the first Latin American masters of the short story, Horacio Quiroga is author of some 200 pieces of fiction often com...
Dive into Spanish text and fly high over beautiful New York City with Rosalba and her grandmother in Arthur Dorros' enchanting Abuela. Winner of the Parents' Choice Award. Tantos pajaros dice Rosalva mientras les dan de comer . Y que tal si los pajaros me alzaran y me llevaran volando por encima del parque? Que pasaria si yo volara? Y claro que ella vuela Y lleva consiguo a su abuela y nos narra, en espanol sazonado con algunas frases en ingles, este maravilloso viaje. Mucho de los lugares que visitan le recuerdan a la abuela el momento de su llegada a este...
Dive into Spanish text and fly high over beautiful New York City with Rosalba and her grandmother in Arthur Dorros' enchanting Abuela. Winne...