A young girl spends her summer vacation in a country house where a tiger roams...A man reading a mystery finds out too late that he is the murderer's victim...
In the stories collected here--including Blow-Up, on which Antonioni based his film--Julio Cortazar explores the boundary where the everyday meets the mysterious, perhaps even the terrible. This is the most brilliant and celebrated book of short stories by a master of the form.
A young girl spends her summer vacation in a country house where a tiger roams...A man reading a mystery finds out too late that he is the murderer's ...
A young girl spends her summer vacation in a country house where a tiger roams . . . A man reading a mystery finds out too late that he is the murderer's victim . . . In the fifteen stories collected here--including "Blow-Up," which was the basis for Michelangelo Antonioni's film of the same name--Julio Cortazar explores the boundary where the everyday meets the mysterious, perhaps even the terrible.
A young girl spends her summer vacation in a country house where a tiger roams . . . A man reading a mystery finds out too late that he is the murdere...
Translated by Gregory Rabassa, winner of the National Book Award for Translation, 1967
Horacio Oliveira is an Argentinian writer who lives in Paris with his mistress, La Maga, surrounded by a loose-knit circle of bohemian friends who call themselves "the Club." A child's death and La Maga's disappearance put an end to his life of empty pleasures and intellectual acrobatics, and prompt Oliveira to return to Buenos Aires, where he works by turns as a salesman, a keeper of a circus cat which can truly count, and an attendant in an insane asylum. Hopscotch is the dazzling,...
Translated by Gregory Rabassa, winner of the National Book Award for Translation, 1967
Horacio Oliveira is an Argentinian writer who liv...
One of the core authors of the '60s boom in Latin American fiction, Julio Cortazar made a contribution of international importance to the development of the short story as a literary form. This collection spans his writing career and includes La Noche Boca Arriba and Final del Juego (1956), Las Babas del Diablo (1959), La Isla a Mediodia (1966), Recortes de Prensa and Queremos Tanto a Glenda (1981) and Botella al Mar (1982). Of the seven stories, some are famous examples of his contribution to the genre of 'fantastic' literature, while others demonstrate his social and political concerns....
One of the core authors of the '60s boom in Latin American fiction, Julio Cortazar made a contribution of international importance to the development ...
The setting ofFinal Exam is a surreal Buenos Aires, dark and eerie, where a strange fog has enveloped the city to everyone's bewilderment. Juan and Clara, two students, meet up with their friends Andres and Stella, as well as a journalist friend they call "the chronicler." Juan and Clara are getting ready to take their final exams, but instead of preparing, they wander the city with their friends, encounter strange happenings in the squares and ponder life in cafes. All the while, they are trailed by the mysterious Abel. With its daring typography, its shifts in rhythm as well as in...
The setting ofFinal Exam is a surreal Buenos Aires, dark and eerie, where a strange fog has enveloped the city to everyone's bewilderment. Ju...
La edicion conmemorativa del 50 aniversario de RayuelaIncluye, en exclusiva, el mapa del Paris de Rayuela y la historia de la creacion de la novela contada a traves de las cartas de Julio Cortazar
Contranovela, cronica de una locura, el agujero negro de un enorme embudo, un feroz sacudon por las solapas, un grito de alerta, una especie de bomba atomica, una llamada al desorden necesario, una gigantesca humorada, un balbuceo... Con estas y otras expresiones se aludio a Rayuela, la novela que Julio Cortazar comenzo a sonar en 1958, se publico en 1963 y...
La edicion conmemorativa del 50 aniversario de RayuelaIncluye, en exclusiva, el mapa del Paris de Rayuela y la historia de la c...
Rayuela gilt als das Hauptwerk von Julio Cortzar. Als Komplize kann der Leser dem Weg folgen, den Cortzar ihm spielerisch durch den Roman bahnt, und seinen Protagonisten Horacio Oliveira von Paris nach Buenos Aires begleiten.
Rayuela gilt als das Hauptwerk von Julio Cortzar. Als Komplize kann der Leser dem Weg folgen, den Cortzar ihm spielerisch durch den Roman bahnt, und s...
Nach einem Verkehrsunfall auf dem Boulevard einer Großstadt wird ein Motorradfahrer in die Ambulanz eingeliefert. Auf dem Krankenbett fällt er in unruhige Träume, in denen er sich als Gejagter im erhabenen Krieg der Azteken wiederfindet. Doch ist es nur der Fieberwahn, der den Kranken plagt? Immer unausweichlicher drängt ihn die Hetzjagd in die Enge, und erst als sich das Steinmesser des Opferpriesters über ihn senkt, kann er Traum und Wirklichkeit unterscheiden ...§Nicht nur in der Erzählung Die Nacht auf dem Rücken beweist Julio Cortázar, dass er ein Meister in der Kunst ist,...
Nach einem Verkehrsunfall auf dem Boulevard einer Großstadt wird ein Motorradfahrer in die Ambulanz eingeliefert. Auf dem Krankenbett fällt er in un...