The field of liver tumors in children has seen tremendous therapeutic advances over recent years. This has been achieved through a much better understanding of the biology of disease, improved diagnostic procedures, refined methods of pretreatment tumor staging, the implementation of highly efficient chemotherapy and surgery, detailed monitoring of toxicity, and careful follow-up strategies. International controlled trials have played a key role in these advances, and many leading figures in the trials are among the editors and authors of this book. Their principal goal in Hepatic Tumors in...
The field of liver tumors in children has seen tremendous therapeutic advances over recent years. This has been achieved through a much better underst...
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the biological basis of renal tumors in childhood and the clinical approaches to their treatment. Recent advances in our understanding of the molecular genetics of Wilms and other renal tumors are placed in their clinical context, including the differing treatment approaches of immediate surgery or pre-operative chemotherapy. The challenges in applying this knowledge to improve risk stratification and to incorporate biologically targeted agents into front-line therapy are discussed. All of the authors are experts from Europe and North America and...
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the biological basis of renal tumors in childhood and the clinical approaches to their treatment. Recen...
This book provides a thorough and up-to-date discussion of key issues in the supportive care of children with cancer. A variety of frequently encountered situations is covered, including infections, metabolic, cardiopulmonary, and neurologic emergencies, tumor lysis syndrome, pain, emesis, mucositis, thrombotic disorders, nutritional problems, hyperleukocytosis, and acute abdomen. Throughout the emphasis is firmly on evidenced-based guidance developed from the relevant literature. Information is presented in a manner that will enable readers quickly to locate advice when confronted by a...
This book provides a thorough and up-to-date discussion of key issues in the supportive care of children with cancer. A variety of frequently encounte...
This book is a comprehensive and up-to-date compendium on all aspects of childhood leukemia. After introductory chapters on the epidemiology and biology of pediatric leukemia, treatment considerations are extensively reviewed, with emphasis on the use of risk-adjusted treatment approaches. Promising targeted agents are discussed, and strategies for the development of new agents are appraised. The late effects of leukemia and its therapy are then considered in depth, with due attention to management of the psychosocial impact of the disease. Finally, global strategies to improve leukemia care...
This book is a comprehensive and up-to-date compendium on all aspects of childhood leukemia. After introductory chapters on the epidemiology and biolo...
This book describes in detail current best practice in the diagnosis and treatment of malignant pediatric bone tumors and also discusses other important aspects of management. Clinical assessment, the role of different imaging modalities and choice of biopsy procedure are explained and an individual chapter is devoted to diagnostic pathology. The treatment-oriented chapters offer in-depth descriptions of chemotherapeutic regimens, radiation therapy, limb-salvage options and amputation-related issues and in addition consider the approach to lung nodules, the role of biomarkers, off-therapy...
This book describes in detail current best practice in the diagnosis and treatment of malignant pediatric bone tumors and also discusses other importa...
Pediatric CNS Tumors is a detailed review of childhood brain tumors that offers a biologically based perspective on their management. The closing chapters consider many of the diagnostic and treatment modalities common to all tumors, with special attention to experimental and emerging techniques.
Pediatric CNS Tumors is a detailed review of childhood brain tumors that offers a biologically based perspective on their management. The closing chap...
This is the second edition of the only book to be devoted exclusively to the total cancer picture in adolescents and young adults (AYA), now expanded from the age range 15-29 to that of 15-39 years. For each of the diverse spectrum of cancers encountered in the AYA group, the epidemiology, natural progression, diagnostic approaches, and treatment options are described, with special emphasis on strategies for early detection and prevention. Comparison is made with management of both younger and older patients, and model programs are presented that address common diagnostic, staging,...
This is the second edition of the only book to be devoted exclusively to the total cancer picture in adolescents and young adults (AYA), now expand...
This book offers comprehensive discussion of a broad range of topics relating to germ cell tumors: biology, epidemiology, pathology, treatment, late effects, plus causes and treatment approaches in both pediatric and adult patients.
This book offers comprehensive discussion of a broad range of topics relating to germ cell tumors: biology, epidemiology, pathology, treatment, late e...
This book presents the most up-to-date and innovative information on the targeting and treatment of a wide range of childhood cancers by means of radiation therapy. Beyond clinical radiation oncology, relevant information is provided on radiation physics.
This book presents the most up-to-date and innovative information on the targeting and treatment of a wide range of childhood cancers by means of radi...
After an introductory chapter describing the history of pediatric blood and marrow transplantation, subsequent chapters discuss pediatric-specific aspects of transplantation, including stem cell sources suitable for transplantation, preparative regimens, graft-versus-host disease, complications related to transplantation, and late effects.
After an introductory chapter describing the history of pediatric blood and marrow transplantation, subsequent chapters discuss pediatric-specific asp...