As psychologists and neurobiologists increasingly find common ground in their studies of appetite, the need for an interdisciplinary treatment of the subject becomes more and more urgent. Appetite: Neural and Behavioural Bases fills the gap and provides an authoritative overview of all aspects of the subject, including eating, sexual behavior, drug addiction, and gambling. The book highlights how psychological research has uncovered cues that guide appetitive behavior as well as the cognitive mechanisms that influence choice of action. It also offers a splendid survey of what neuroscience...
As psychologists and neurobiologists increasingly find common ground in their studies of appetite, the need for an interdisciplinary treatment of the ...
The diversity of social behavior among birds and primates is surpassed only by members of the Hymenopteran insects, including bees, ants, and the genus Polistes, or paper-wasps. This volume combines incisive reviews and new, unpublished data in studies of paper-wasps, a large and varied group whose life patterns are often studied by biologists interested in social evolution. While this research is significant to the natural history of paper-wasps, it also applies to topics of general interest such as the evolution of cooperation, social parasitism, kin recognition, and the division of...
The diversity of social behavior among birds and primates is surpassed only by members of the Hymenopteran insects, including bees, ants, and the genu...
Solid state chemistry is becoming increasingly important as its relevance is recognized in subjects as diverse as superconductivity and heterogeneous catalysis. In the two-volume set, of which this work forms the second part, a distinguished group of internationally known experts present an authoritative account of the properties of inorganic solids and the methods for studying them, written at a level suitable for final year undergraduates or for first-year graduate students embarking on research in the field. This second volume deals with the electronic structure and bonding in solids, and...
Solid state chemistry is becoming increasingly important as its relevance is recognized in subjects as diverse as superconductivity and heterogeneous ...
Reaction kinetics is central to the study of chemistry. Kinetic studies can provide both an insight into the detailed molecular mechanisms of elementary reactions and practical information which can be used to unravel complex chemical problems such as the formation of the ozone hole. This modern, accessible text begins with an introduction to the importance and relevance of chemical kinetics, and then describes and explains the experimental and theoretical studies of elementary reactions. The applications of kinetics to complex phenomena such as chain reactions and photochemistry are then...
Reaction kinetics is central to the study of chemistry. Kinetic studies can provide both an insight into the detailed molecular mechanisms of elementa...
As inorganic materials are put to more and more practical uses--mainly in electric, magnetic, and optical devices--materials scientists must have an increasingly sophisticated understanding of the chemical and physical properties of inorganic compounds. This volume--the first of its kind in twenty years--provides a unified presentation of the chemistry of non-stoichiometric compounds based on statistical thermodynamics and structural inorganic chemistry. Four modern examples of non-stoichiometric compounds--ionic conducting compounds, hydrogen absorbing alloys, magnetic materials, and...
As inorganic materials are put to more and more practical uses--mainly in electric, magnetic, and optical devices--materials scientists must have an i...
Why is quantum theory so difficult to understand? In this book, written for both undergraduate and graduate students of chemistry and physics, the author looks at the continuing debate about the meaning of quantum theory. The historical development of the theory is traced from the turn of the century through to the 1930s, and the famous debate between Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein. The book examines in detail the arguments that quantum theory is incomplete, as made by Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen; the development of Bell's theorem; and crucial experimental tests performed in...
Why is quantum theory so difficult to understand? In this book, written for both undergraduate and graduate students of chemistry and physics, the aut...
For anyone involved in mechanical or chemical engineering, experimental physics, or chemistry, the techniques available for the measurement of transient temperatures and heat flows are described in this book. The emphasis is on practical experimental techniques and applications, and various numerical methods for analyzing these results are also included.
For anyone involved in mechanical or chemical engineering, experimental physics, or chemistry, the techniques available for the measurement of transie...
Modern high pressure cells are compact pieces of experimental equipment used in investigating physical properties of materials under extreme conditions. This book surveys the apparatus available for high pressure studies. It examines pressure measurement techniques at extreme values and reviews experimental setups for studies involving the interaction of high pressures with low and high temperatures, magnetic fields, and shock waves. Topics covered include optical properties, infrared spectroscopy, electron spin and nuclear magnetic resonance. This comprehensive manual will be valuable to...
Modern high pressure cells are compact pieces of experimental equipment used in investigating physical properties of materials under extreme condition...
The manufacture of integrated circuits and opto-electronic devices, for example, calls for accuracies in the nanometer range (approximately three atomic lattice spacings). This book, written by leading researchers in Japan, examines the technology and systems needed to achieve this level of accuracy. The underlying concept of nanotechnology systems comes from the prediction that the extremely high accuracy required in materials processing will ultimately reach the order of 1nm (nanometer). Since the distance between lattice atoms is about 0.3nm, this constitutes the limit in resolution for...
The manufacture of integrated circuits and opto-electronic devices, for example, calls for accuracies in the nanometer range (approximately three atom...
Robot arms are found in almost every modern manufacturing plant in the world, but their limited dexterity creates problems for their efficient control. Understanding these problems in advance is vital in robotic design. This book concerns itself with the theory and practice of these control problems. It will be of great interest to all robotic researchers and engineers.
Robot arms are found in almost every modern manufacturing plant in the world, but their limited dexterity creates problems for their efficient control...