It is a major cultural achievement that violence in armed conflicts is restrained by international legal rules. As the nature of these conflicts changes, these rules have to be adapted accordingly in order to provide effective protection for the victims. The adoption of the two Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions in 1977 was a major step in this development. The authors, who were involved in the negotiation of these two treaties, give a first hand account of the meaning of the text and the intent of the negotiators. The book is, thus, an important tool to better understand and...
It is a major cultural achievement that violence in armed conflicts is restrained by international legal rules. As the nature of these conflicts chang...
Human rights fact-finding is at the heart of efforts for the international protection of human rights. Gross violations of human rights are still a tragic feature of life in many parts of the world and governments responsible for them go to great lengths to hide them from detection and to avoid international scrutiny. When scrutiny does occur, governments frequently attack fact-finding reports to avoid further processes and the need to accept responsibility for the violations perpetrated. For this and for many other reasons, it is crucial that careful attention is paid to the substantive and...
Human rights fact-finding is at the heart of efforts for the international protection of human rights. Gross violations of human rights are still a tr...
What the experts said about 'Educating Judges' - 'A comprehensive review of judicial education ... an extremely valuable work.' Sir Anthony Mason, Chief Justice of Australia - 'Truly a seminal work which sets the best practice for the field.' Dr Charles Ericksen, Vice-President, NCSC, USA - 'A most masterly survey of the field.' Professor Martin Partington, Judicial Studies Board, England - 'Thorough, well argued and comprehensive; offers substantial insight at many points.' Professor John K. Hudzik, Director, JERITT, USA - 'A substantial piece of work ... and a significant contribution.'...
What the experts said about 'Educating Judges' - 'A comprehensive review of judicial education ... an extremely valuable work.' Sir Anthony Mason, Chi...
Nouvelle edition avec preface du Prince Hassan bin Talal. La protection de l'individu dans les situations de conflits armes et sa protection dans les situations de paix ont ete scindees pour des raisons historiques, sociales, juridiques et politiques. Mohamed El Kouhene confronte ces deux branches de droit international que les developpements recents rapprochent de maniere substantielle. Il les compare sous l'angle des droits les plus fondamentaux de la personne et les met en relation sous leur aspect le plus delicat, a savoir les regimes de protection, leur portee, leurs interdependances....
Nouvelle edition avec preface du Prince Hassan bin Talal. La protection de l'individu dans les situations de conflits armes et sa protection dans les ...