HOWARD P. SEGAL, FOR THE EDITORS In November 1979 the Humanities Department of the University of Michi gan's College of Engineering sponsored a symposium on ''Technology and Pessimism. " The symposium included scholars from a variety of fields and carefully balanced critics and defenders of modern technology, broadly defined. Although by this point it was hardly revolutionary to suggest that technology was no longer automatically equated with optimism and in turn with unceasing social advance, the idea of linking technology so explicitly with pessimism was bound to attract attention. Among...
HOWARD P. SEGAL, FOR THE EDITORS In November 1979 the Humanities Department of the University of Michi gan's College of Engineering sponsored a sympos...
This volume is the first of a two-part series dealing with the theoretical, definitional, methodological, and developmental issues involved in investigating the role of orthography in reading and writing. Although research on orthography has a long history in experimental psychology and neuropsychology, it was relatively neglected during the past decade when researchers turned their attention to phonological processes in literacy. However, interest in orthography is reemerging as the research reported in this series demonstrates. Taken together, the two volumes report evidence for shared and...
This volume is the first of a two-part series dealing with the theoretical, definitional, methodological, and developmental issues involved in investi...
These two volumes are concerned with current technologically important issues of transition, turbulence and combustion. Topics covered in transition include linear and nonlinear stability, direct and large-eddy simulation and phenomenological modelling of the transition zone. In turbulence, interest was focused on second-order closures and the formulation of near-wall corrections to existing high Reynolds number models, and closure model development based on turbulent flow structures and RNG theory. Topics covered in combustion include counterflow diffusion flames, development of novel mixing...
These two volumes are concerned with current technologically important issues of transition, turbulence and combustion. Topics covered in transition i...
It was during a pleasant and warm (both literally and figuratively) two- week period in October, 1991 that a number of researchers, scholars and c1inicians from diverse lands gathered at the beautiful Chateau de Bonas, near Toulouse, France to discuss psychological, neuropsychological and neurolinguistic aspects of reading and writing disorders. The occasion for the serious disputations of theories, research findings and c1inical appli- cations was the Advanced Study Institute (ASI) under the auspices of the Scientific Affairs Division of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). There...
It was during a pleasant and warm (both literally and figuratively) two- week period in October, 1991 that a number of researchers, scholars and c1ini...
Perspectives on the Classification of Specific Developmental Disorders is an up-to-date review of the controversy surrounding the classification of such disparate disorders as reading, spelling, writing, and language disorders. Severe and specific impairments in these functions do exist and appear to follow a developmental course. How to identify children presenting with such problems and how to operationalize the disorders has long challenged professionals. This text grew from an international symposium held in the Netherlands, but all chapters have been specially prepared for the...
Perspectives on the Classification of Specific Developmental Disorders is an up-to-date review of the controversy surrounding the classificat...
We were motivated to edit this book when we began to hear stories of exceptional students who were struggling with reading, writing, or math, but who could solve seemingly any problem with computers, or build the most intricate structures with Legos, or could draw beautiful pictures, or could tell the most creative stories but ended up in tears when asked to write it out. How is it possible to have so much talent in some areas and yet to appear to have a disability in another? What resources are available for these students? How can we ensure that these students' abilities are nurtured and...
We were motivated to edit this book when we began to hear stories of exceptional students who were struggling with reading, writing, or math, but who ...
Although anecdotal reports of loss of once-acquired reading ability was noticed in the individuals who had sustained brain damage as early as the year AD. 30, systematic enquires of alexia were not undertaken until the latter part of the nineteenth century. The two anatomo-pathological studies carried out by Dejerine in 1891 and 1892 mark the beginning of scholarly investigation of reading failure. Interestingly, the study of de velopmental reading disability also began to receive attention at about the same time when Pringle Morgan described the case of a 14-year-old boy who had great...
Although anecdotal reports of loss of once-acquired reading ability was noticed in the individuals who had sustained brain damage as early as the year...
This highly interdisciplinary project presents new results and the state of the art of knowledge in the psychology and neurophysiology of language, reading and dyslexia. It concentrates on basic cognitive functions of understanding and producing language and disorders within its spoken and written execution. The book grew out of the Basic Mechanisms of Language and Language Disorders conference (Leipzig, Sept. 1999).
This highly interdisciplinary project presents new results and the state of the art of knowledge in the psychology and neurophysiology of language,...
" ['etat pathologique ne differe point radicalement de ['etat physiologique, a ['egard duquel if ne suarait constituer, sous un aspect quelconque, qu'un simple prolongement plus ou moins etendu des limites de variation, soit superieures, soit in/erieures, propres a chaque phenomene de ['organisme normal, sans pouvoir jamais produire de phenomenes vraiment nouveaux, qui n'auraient point, a un certain degre, leurs analogues purement physiologiques. Par une suite necessaire de ce principe, la notion exacte et rationnelle de ['etat physiologique doit donc /ournir, sans doute, l'indespensable...
" ['etat pathologique ne differe point radicalement de ['etat physiologique, a ['egard duquel if ne suarait constituer, sous un aspect quelconque, qu'...
A critical review of the literature on written expression disorders of individuals with learning disabilities. The purpose of the book is to shed light on issues concerning definition, assessment and interaction for individuals with writing disorders. The integrated model of written expression offered draws on the work of cognitive psychology, neurolinguistics and sociolinguistics. The model illustrates the interrelationship between cognitive and affective processing networks that influence the selection and use of linguistics and information structures in producing a written text. ...
A critical review of the literature on written expression disorders of individuals with learning disabilities. The purpose of the book is to shed ligh...